GBC Day Sermon | Pastor Thuamminlian Guite | July 5, 2020 | 1:00 PM
What Time Is This Time
Luke 12:54-56
The world is currently embroiled with many things. There are some that we as humans can prevent and there are others naturally that we can’t avoid. Diseases, coupled with current world government is in a sad situation. With this being said, what time is this time?
Jesus did preached the gathering that they know how to read the worldly time and rebuked why they are not able to understand what time is this time. While understanding the way the world goes, do we understand how to read the time according to our Bible? Recently, we experienced earthquakes in the north eastern parts too. It is really time to ponder and do a self-review. On the other hand, we should also understand that whatever is happening right now is beyond our control and should not be in a depression mode.
Romans 13:11-14
When this was written, the disciples taught that Jesus is coming soon and that the end is near. The reason is that, Christians are facing tremendous persecution under the Romans, famines and diseases were widespread. Under these circumstances, this led them to believe that the end is truly near as taught by Jesus Christ. As in the scripture, if the end is said to be near at that point of time, the end is extremely near in the world we’re currently in. In a world where love is facing, natural calamities at alarming frequency, it is really time for us to an introspection. As the Bible said, it’s time to wake from our slumber. Time to be awake and cautious of surroundings. From what we’re facing and hearing, it’s clear that the coming of Jesus is very near. Let’s be prepared to welcome the dawn of the day as the night is passing.
As Jesus asked to understand the time, we as a church are also requested to understand the time we’re currently in. Wake up from our night, and all the sins that goes with it, and dress up for the day.
Luke 13:1-5
This scripture talk about what time is this time. It’s the time for repentance. Luke 13:6-8 is a parable for repentance. I request all members to understand that the night is passing, let us all repent and look towards God, for those who don’t want to repent will face the judgement. Is there anything left that stops Jesus for His second coming? It’s only the grace, as in the parable, in the hope that it bears fruit the next year.