Fathers' Day Service | June 16, 2019 | 11 AM
The Fatherhood of God
~ Pastor Biakson
Good fathers are all because of the presence of good mothers. Real credit belongs to the mothers. The importance of a father one should never forgotten. Our life’s blessings are all given to us through our mothers and fathers. Without obedience, we will not be able to prosper in our respective lives. God in heaven is our one and only father. We take the example of the Prodigal Son or those children who have grievances against their fathers. Let us compare and contrast between our relationship with God and our earthly father.
Scriptural references: 1 John 3:1 ; Philippians 4:20 ; Matthew 6:8
Understanding God as our father
1. Creational fatherhood
All things were made through Him. Nothing in this universe is made without His knowledge. He is the source, creator and sustainer of all life form. ‘The Fatherhood Principle’ by Myles Munroe talks about that the inherent purpose of all men is fatherhood. Whether a man is married or single, and whether or not he has children, he is designed by God to fulfill the role of a father in the lives of those around him. It is his calling to reflect the creative and cultivating nature of God. This book provides key principles and insights that will teach you how to be a father in your personal sphere of influence. In clear and compelling terms, Dr. Munroe explains how a man can become source, nourisher, sustainer, protector, teacher, discipliner, leader, head, caring one, and developer. The Fatherhood Principle provides practical guidelines for fulfilling your God-given fatherhood role by showing you…
- How to be the foundation of your family
- How to be strong even in the storms of life
- How to meet the needs of women
- How to develop the potential and gifts of children
- How to find your life’s vision
- Five vital purposes of the male
These are the foundations of a family. One should be aware of their roles as a father or a father figure.
2. Theocratic fatherhood
National and covenantal fatherhood (Exodus 4:22). For, during the Old Testament, God was directly looking after Israel like His own child. A father learns each day about his own role as a father.
3. Generative Fatherhood
It belongs exclusively to the second person of the Holy Trinity. Jesus refers to God as “His father” never as “Our father” which speaks about how God’s fatherhood towards Jesus cannot be shared (John 20:17).
4. Adoptive Fatherhood
God is father to all believers. He created and overlooks all of his creation. Redemptive fatherhood of God. God has connected with us again through Jesus and became our father to all who believe. Our father in heaven has taken unto Him to be with His children (Galatians 3:26 ; Ephesians 1:4-5). Those who do not believe do not have a relationship with The Father. And God will not hear their prayers.
5. Those who truly believe in God
Jesus tells us that God is the Father (John 8:44 ; Luke 11:2 ; Matthew 6:9). The Synoptic Gospel mentions God as the father 65 times, in John 100 times and 40 times in Paul. God hears us when we have a true connection with Him. Even when hardship may rile us and often blocks us in our relationship with God, God continues to take care of us. Let us all thank our earthly fathers given to us by God to take care of us through them.
6. God our Faithful father
When our lives may feel like it is overflowing hopelessness, sadness, loneliness, loss and failure and no father on earth on rely on. Our Father in heaven is looking over us and sees us through our hard times (Matthew 6:25-34). If God looks after the needs of birds and animals who do not have the conscious sense like us. Then God surely will take care of us who are His greatest and most loved creation of His. We are wonderfully made in His image. He is our faithful provider as long as we continue to believe in Him with all our heart, soul, body and mind. Then he will look after everything in our lives for us as long as we believe (Hebrews 13:5). He will never leave or forsake us. For we have a wonderful and faithful Father in Heaven. Amen. If any of us lack in their spiritual, mental or physical aspect, we only have to ask God, who will surely provide for us (1 Peter 3:12). He listens to our prayers (Matthew 6:6) He is an attentive Father (1 Peter 5:7 ; Matthew 10:29-31). Be reassured, for we have a Father in heaven that cares for our well-being.
7. He gives us all His time
(1 Corinthians 1:9) He calls to us for fellowship and to be in union with Him; to have quality time with us just like our earthly fathers. Let us ask ourselves do we really give quality time with our Father God in heaven? (Micah 6:8) Just like how we maintain our relationship with our earthly father we should definitely maintain that relationship with God.
8. A Father who shows mercy and grace
(Psalm 103:8) Our God is merciful and is filled with unending graciousness for all His creation.
9. Expressive love for His children
He gave his only begotten son for us to die in order to be reconnected with us, His children (John 3:16 ; 1 John 3:1).
10. He disciplines with love
(Hebrews 12:5-6 ; Hebrews 12:11) A good father always disciplines his children but with love. Just like how God gives us trials and tribulation in order to become stronger in our relationship with God, God redeems and saves us. Loves and reassures us even when hard times may surround us. God is our true father for all of us the believers for the rest of eternity.