FATHER’S DAY | JUNE 19, 2016 | 3:00 PM Service

23 June, 2016

3:00 PM Service


Call to worship

Father’s Day celebration at EBCC Delhi got under way with Pastor H Biakson greeting the congregation in the name of the LORD. The Word of God was listened to through 1 Corinthians 8:6 and 1 John 3:1-3. After the invocation prayer, the Worship Team took the stage to lead worship with a prayer and with the songs How great Thou art, Tou Jesu neih, and There is no one who’s like You. Deacon T Gou Khangin performed the offertory prayer.

Tributes to fathers

The children department took the stage in their large numbers to express gratitude to fathers in the form of gifts and presented a song by Mr Thangson titled “Hon suangtu Pate aw.” The TBDF followed with a slogan shout and the song “Hiai bangtan honpi Toupa.


Pastoral prayer

Special prayer for all fathers gathered that day by Pastor H Biakson was an important part of the service. The Lord chose and called out the father in the family, explained the Pastor of Genesis 12:1-3, when He wanted to give His blessings to Abraham and his family. The duty of a father is tremendous; to abide in the Lord is the only way a father can fulfil his duties [Joshua 24:15].

Father’s Day sermon

Scripture references:

Job 1:1-5; Exodus 20:12; Proverbs 20:20; Proverbs 30:17; Matthew 15:4

Pastor N Tuang Lang began his sermon with a brief introduction to “why one is a ‘father’.” Being a father is something that comes from God; it is not simply about being married or having children. It is in fact a wonderful blessing to be called ‘father’ by one’s own children; to ever take it for granted would be a grievous mistake when there are many husbands deprived of the same blessing. ‘Father’ is a dear and precious word indeed.

The genealogy of man is recorded in the name of the father in the family, as shown in Genesis 5, Matthew 1:1-17and Luke 3:23-38 but for names of a few women. The father is the bearer of both blessing and curse. Even non-believers receive blessings from their fathers by paying due respect and love to them. Japan, the rich and powerful country, has a long tradition of elderly respect and care. But then again too, the curse of a father was suffered by Ham the son of Noah [Genesis 9:20-29], whose name was not to be seen ever again. In Genesis 27,Esau came to understand that his father had but one blessing for the eldest son; a pitiful realisation of his terrible mistake dawned only after it was too late.

A father is the man who leads the family in flesh and in spirit. While one talks about the prodigal son who ran away from his father’s family, it is important to look at oneself again and see if one is not doing the same to one’s family. If a father deserts the responsibilities he has to his family, how is the family to stand and survive at all? One needs to mend one’s ways in matters of the flesh too – demeanour, eating and drinking habits, etc. Examples, good and bad, set by the father are readily emulated by the children. Fathers need to turn to the Lord and beseech His helping hand in fulfilling their duties to the family and God.


Deacon T Thiankhanmuan performed the benediction and the service came to a close.

Church Address:

Evangelical Baptist Convention Church Delhi
Plot No 16, Pocket 6, Dwarka Sector 1A
New Delhi - 110 045
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