Family- Centric Service on 2nd October 2016

8 October, 2016

The Pastor read out a word of God from the Bible and welcomed the congregation. It was followed by praise and worship led by the worship team and was concluded with an offertory prayer by Deacon Chinsum.

Pastor Tuang Lang conducted the Pastoral Prayer. After the pastoral prayer, he delivered a sermon based on the Piching Sunday School lesson no.-19- SUAKTASAKPA JESU (JESUS CHRIST - THE DELIVERER) based on the scripture portion from St.John 8:31-59.

Memory Verse : John 8:36 "So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed."



The sinlai (lesson) is taken from John 8:31-59 where we find Jesus' conversation with the Jews who believed him yet did not fully understand his teachings.They held on to a belief that being descendants of Abraham would suffice or would get them to heaven. So they took pride in that and did not want to listen to His teachings. Instead they were searching for opportunities to kill Him. they even accused Him of being demon-possessed.


1. TRUTH : when we hear/read this word the very thought that comes to mind is something or anything that does not contain any hint of lies, deceit or false. Let us look at how Jesus reveled himself.

a. In John 8:32 "Then you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free." What is this truth then? we can find it in John 1:14 "The word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen His glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth."

b. In John 1:17 "For the law was given through Moses, grace and truth came through Jesus Christ."

c. In John 14:6 "Jesus answered, I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."

2. CAPTIVITY/ SLAVERY : The Jews ad been under the captivity and slavery of the EGYPTIANS, THE ASSYRIANS, THE BABYLONIANS and even at the time of their conversation they were under the slavery of THE ROMANS. So their answer of never being slaves to anyone proved to be wrong. Jesus her tried to tell them that they were slaves of sin. They were captivated by sin so much that they no longer hesitated in telling lies, cheating or even committing murder. one does not become a sinner because one commits a sin rather one commits a sin because one is born a sinner. Because they had become slaves of the devil, they did not want to understand and denied what Jesus was telling them.


a. WITH FAITH ONE MUST OBEY GOD : In Hebrews 11:8-17 we find that God had tested Abraham's faith. Even though he was being tested, his faith did not change and went on to obey God without any questions or doubts.

b. They boasted of being children of Abraham and relied on the physical aspect of it. They did not believe on the one who had blessed their Father and on whom he had put so much faith.

c. From Abraham's story we know that he had a son with Haggai called Ishmael. But once Isaac was born, he no longer became the true heir to Abraham as Haggai was a servant of Abraham. we come to know of the difference between a servant and the son who is the rightful heir.

4. ACCUSED OF BEING AN ILLEGITIMATE CHILD : The Jews claimed themselves to have one Father and were sarcastically accusing Him of being an illegitimate child. Therefore it was hard for them to understand His teachings.

5. In verses 44-47, we can see that Jesus tells the Jews that they belonged to the Devil. Their Father was the Devil because he was a liar from the beginning. When he lies, he speaks his native language. The Jews also lied about being slaves to anyone and even tried to kill Him.

6. Jesus was accused of being a Samaritan who was demon- possessed. They accused him because of all the miracles that he had performed which according to them could also be performed by the prophets or the ones who were demon- possessed. 

7. Jesus told the Jews that He was present even before the time of their Father Abraham. In Genesis 1:26 we find that God uses the words like "US" and "OUR" which makes it evident that God - the Father was not alone, someone else was also present i.e. God - the son at the very time of creation. This the Jews did not understand as they took into account from the time He was born i.e. his physical age. So according to them Jesus was in His 30's only and therefore was not possible for Him to be older than Abraham. This annoyed them and looked for stones to throw at Him but Jesus escaped from the Temple grounds.

C. MORAL OF THE TEXT: There are two kinds of Faith (James 2:18-26)

1. Faith without deeds (James 2:19, Mark 5:6-7)

2. Faith with deeds (James 2:22-26)


The worship team led us with praise and worship and the service was concluded with a benediction by Deacon Kamsuanthang.


Esther Chiinngaihnem , Content Writer, EBCC Delhi. 



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Evangelical Baptist Convention Church Delhi
Plot No 16, Pocket 6, Dwarka Sector 1A
New Delhi - 110 045
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