Easter Sunday Worship Service 2015

7 April, 2015

EASTER SUNDAY |April 05, 2015

Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live. John 11:25(NKJV)

The worship team of EBCC Delhi, Dwarka took the stage on Easter morning at 11am for singspiration and a mass prayer during which the offertories were collected and later committed to the Lord by Upa T Kaithang. This is followed by Pastor Nenglian calling the Dorcas fellowship (TBDF) choir after which he conducted Pastoral prayer quoting verses of 1Timothy 2:1-4

The Pastor then called the BYF choir just before he started his sermon.

SERMON (1 Corinthians 15:12-20)

The sermon began with the quick review of previous year’s topic “significance of Christ’s resurrection,” “the gift of resurrection,” etc. He explained how Easter Sunday came to be celebrated which was actually started by non-believers. However we Christians use this Holy Sunday for the glory of God, to acknowledge his supremacy. Christ did not resurrect because he can do anything supernatural but rather it is his plans for us.

If Christ did not resurrect

1)      His teachings are in vain. (v.14)

The disciples’ teachings are hollow, their punishments, death for Gospel is useless.

2)      Our faith is empty(v.14,17)

Our faith is empty and futile.

3)      False witness (v.15)

We are false witness because we have testified of God that He rose up Christ

4)      We will still be under sin (v.17)

Though Christ died for sinners if he had not risen we are still in our sins

5)      Those who have fallen asleep in Christ have perished (v.18)

Abraham, Jacob, Moses..…those who died have perished.

6)      Man is pitiable (v.19)

There is no hope for mankind and we are just pitiable

*v= verse

Because of his resurrection

1)      His words and teachings are holy, useful and worthy

2)      Our faith is genuine, firm and complete

3)      We are true and faithful witness

4)      We are free from sins and its consequences.

5)      We do not perish after death. Moses, Elijah, the rich man and the beggar are seen in the Bible

6)      We have hope through all the circumstances of life.

Proof of resurrection

1)      Empty tomb (found in all the Gospels)

2)      Appearance of the risen Christ (1Corinthians 15:4,20)

Because of Christ’s resurrection the Gospel is worth living and dying for (2corinthians 11:23-27) Paul faced lots of problems in his life but he did not fear. The sermon ended by the pastor questioning us if we had ever doubted our faith in Christ and his work, encouraging us to pray to God for strengthening our faith. Elder Thiankhanmuan concluded the service with words of benediction.

The evening program started at 4pm. The commitment of the collected offertories was made by Elder Thianzakham. The sermon followed the same content as that of the first service. The benediction by Elder Thangkhosiam closed Easter Sunday program.

May the resurrection of Christ work in our faith


By – Khamboi Singson

Content writer, media team


Church Address:

Evangelical Baptist Convention Church Delhi
Plot No 16, Pocket 6, Dwarka Sector 1A
New Delhi - 110 045
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