21 May, 2016

10:30am – 4:30pm; May 21, 2016; EBCC Delhi Church (Dwarka)


It was a warm weather day for the First Departmental Joint Fellowship for the Calendar Year 2016-17. The participants include all the Departments of the Church' members, Prayer Cell Convenors and office staffs of the Church.

To start the programme, Pastor H. Biakson took the stage and the congregation read together Bible verses, I Corinthians 1:26-31; Pastor leading it. He conducted opening prayer and led the congregation in praise’s songs. Then, Deacon Damsomthang, Chairman, TBSUC*, EBCC Delhi took time for the welcome speech. He read Bible verse, Proverbs 25:28.


Deacon & Dr. G. Chinkholian, Chairman, CEC*, EBC took his time to teach, lecture and highlight to the congregation about the Evangelical Baptist Convention byelaws of 2015 edition. He started with introduction about himself and his happiness to be in this midst. He read out Psalms 95:1-6. Before he went further, he gave time to Pastor N. Tuang Lang to explain on the importance, aims & objectives of the Byelaws, after which, he took again his time.

Why is Byelaws important?

1)    To do things right in the eyes of God as written in I Corinthians 14:40, “Let all things be done decently and in order”.

2)    To be aware of our identity about the belief system from the many ways as done by the Churches of the world. On the basis of the 66 books in the Bible, this byelaws was made for caring the Church in body and spirit, to give glory to God, to show the face of Jesus through the Church and to discipline the Church members for maintaining its sanctity.

3)    To lend a helping hands to the Church workers. Through this bylaws, the tradition of the Church passes on and on to the future even Church workers changes with time passed.

4)    To unite the Church. EBC Churches in different places could follow common ways of conducting Church activities upon following the Church's byelaws.

5)    The laws of the world necessitates it. In Rom 13, we saw that leaders are being set & ordained by God, so through this written documents/byelaws, leaders look after the Church affairs.

Aims and Objectives of Byelaws

1)    Worship God. To give glory to God. This is the vision and purpose statement of the Church.

2)    Mission work. Missionary work even within family, far or near of places, with and/or without partnership.

3)    Fellowship. To have fellowship as in Worship Service, Prayer Cell, Pastor’s house visit, Deacon’s area visit.

4)    Good work. Through Jesus Christ, we can do good works (Ephesians 2:10). Every Christian should do good work towards others and within their family.

5)    Discipleship. To train Church members for faithful disciple. Missionary work and discipleship works goes together or hang in hand.

Vision Statement

To be like Christ and follow His instructions through works; worshipping God together in Church is the vision of the Church.

Mission Statement

To have fellowship together with believers, exhort and build up each other through the love of Christ; to spread the Gospel, doing good work to fellow human being.

Core Value

Doing good works to fellow human being, helping destitute and needy, to gather wealth as per needs, but, there is no other higher work than catching the lost soul and the mission work is the conviction of the Church.

The most important is to worship God Almighty and praise Him (Praise and Worship).


Holy Bible: The Holy Bible, consisting of 66 books, 39 books of the Old Testament and 27 books of the New Testament, from Genesis to Revelation, is fully and uniquely inspired words of God; the only infallible in its first writing, sufficient enough for God’s revelation, authoritative rule of faith and practice.

God : One God existence in three persons - God the father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Only one God who is living and genuine, having eternal soul, unending; His identity, wisdom, goodness, omnipresent, one in itself, holiness, righteousness, lightness and love are not changing. The Father, Son and Holy Spirit, have the same Godliness, different in identity, filled with all goodness in them, doing all works in unison.

The Name

The name of the local Church is Evangelical Baptist Convention Church (EBCC). At the Division and Headquarter level, it should be called as Evangelical Baptist Convention (EBC).


All those who want fellowship together believing the Church’s doctrine, disciplines and rules can become its members. Also, each Church member should have the wills to contribute their part through works and money.


1) FIRM MEMBER (Local person)

  • Primary (Not Baptise)
  • Junior (Already Baptise, below 18 years)
  • Full Communicant (Born again, 18 years and above)

2) TEMPORARY (EBC member, stays in other EBCC)

  • Primary (Not Baptise)
  • Junior (Already Baptise, below 18 years)
  • Full Communicant (Born again, 18 years and above)

3) ASSOCIATE (Other Church, enrolled in EBC)

  • Primary (Not Baptise)
  • Junior (Already Baptise, below 18 years)
  • Full Communicant (Born again, 18 years and above)


Local Baptist Church Deacon Committee (TBSUC) - The highest governing body of the local Church.

Ministerial Committee - Works as counsel and plan Church programmes as per needs.

Besides, there are the following departments/Committees to serve and work in the Church:-

  • Local Baptist Children Department (TBCD)
  • Local Baptist Youth Fellowship (TBYF)
  • Local Baptist Dorcas Fellowship (TBDF)
  • Local Baptist Mission Committee (TBMC)

(*“T” stands for Tualsung, i.e. Local)

DIVISION - At the division level, the Church is organised to:-

  • Increase the work of the Local Churches
  • To work together with the Headquarter and strengthen the work of the Church.

Church conferences are organised at the Division level with the area Local Churches.

HEADQUARTERS - At the headquarters level,Yearly Conference, the highest making decision is usually organised by Conference Committee once a year to plan for the Church. Convention Executive Committee (CEC) earlier called Board of Trustees (BOT) is the highest decision making body with Chairman as the head. It stand for the Church, discuss and take decision as per needs about the Church matters, take care of the Church and its properties, and have a tenure of 3 years.


EBC mainly conducted marriage which consists of "Notice and Un Notice".

Notice - A person to get marriage through Notice marriage should be:

  • Years (Male: 21years and above; Female: 18 years and above)
  • Full Communicant Member
  • Not being disciplined by the Church.

Un Notice:

  • Years (Male: 21years and above; Female: 18 years and above)
  • Full Communicant Member
  • Being disciplined by the Church earlier.


For keeping the sanctity of the Church, the Church makes rules for disciplining its members.

1) Those who acts in abhortive behaviour (Male/Female) like homosexuality, bestiality, rape faces 3 years discipline.

2) In love relationship/marriage, those who get into marriage with no formal recognition or not in conformity of the Church’s laws face 6 months discipline. After 6 months, they will be counsel to get into marriage according the Church’s laws for maintaining the sanctity of the Church.

The First Session was closed with thanksgiving prayer by Deacon Ngulminthang.


The Second Session was started after Lunch. Pastor Biakson took the stage, had prayer to open the session. BYF led the the congregation in praise’s songs.

After that, Pastor Tuang Lang took his time to highlight Ministry Year Plan & the Church Calendar 2016-17. He read out Bible verses, Proverbs 24:27; I Corinthians 12:12 – 13:7.

God’s Churches, to build and rebuild in righteousness, each believer to aim for truthfulness and live with it in body and soul, EBC Delhi Ministry Year Plan 2016-17 is hereby lay down, hoping and believing the guidance & blessings of God Almighty.

Broad Year Plan and Budget Estimate for this Calendar year:-

Total Estimate Budget for the year 2016-17 is Rs. 7,43,000/-

1) Worship – Ref. Matt. 4:10; Psalm 34:3 (Rs.1,73,000)

2) Fellowship – Ref. Eph. 2:19 (Rs.1,08.000)

3) Discipleship –Ref. Col. 1:28 (Rs.1,00,000)

4) Mission – Ref. Matt. 28:19-20 (Rs.1,00,000)

5) Ministry – Ref. Eph. 4:12 (Rs.1,75,000)

6) BCD Ministry – Ref. Pro. 22:6 (Rs. 87,000)

This was followed by Pastor, highlighting the Year’s Calendar with discussion after that.

After the Ministry Year Plan and Yearly Calendar highlight, time was opened for free discussion about the working of the Church and suggestion(s) for its functioning.

The session was closed with a benediction by Deacon Kam Suanthang

Note: TBSUC = Tualsung Baptist Saptuam Upa Committee; CEC = Convention Executive Committee.

- By Chinliankhup Phaipi, Content Writer

Church Address:

Evangelical Baptist Convention Church Delhi
Plot No 16, Pocket 6, Dwarka Sector 1A
New Delhi - 110 045
Copyright © 2025 EBCC Delhi. All rights reserved.