Congregation Worship | March 30, 2014
30th MARCH 2014 | 11:00AM
PRAISE AND WORSHIP: Pastor V.Nenglian upon reading Psalm 37 encouraged the congregation to put our trust in the Lord and depend on Him; and dedicated today’s worship programme in prayer. The Worship Team led the congregation in singing hymns of praises. Mass prayer was held; and as offertory was brought to the pulpit, Elder T. Kaithang consecrated the same.
INDUCTION CEREMONY: Elder H. Kam Suanthang, Secretary, EBCC Delhi lauded BYF Mohammadpur Area for their efforts in enrolling new members. He called out the names of 33 new members coming from different places and denominations and inducted them as a member of this church. The Pastor prayed for them. Usually, Induction of new members is held on the last Sunday of every month.
FAREWELL CEREMONY: The Pastor made a Farewell message of Local Elder, Captain (IN) Lalsuonglien Tonsing, Media & Website In-charge and his family who are moving to Mumbai shortly; and gave him time for short speech. He took the stage and said that they came to New Delhi way back in 2007, stayed for six-and-a-half blissful years and was full of praises for the church members, and finished his speech with a prayer request. The Pastor lauded him as a man who always tirelessly fulfilled his responsibilities.
THEME: ‘SEPARATION FROM THE WORLD – Thy Will Be Done On Earth (Matt 6:10)’
The Pastor based his sermon on 2Kor 6:17, 18; 7:1 and urged upon the need for believers’ separation/parting from the world – which is unclean, sinful and evil. The Bible always mentions the evil side of the world. Believers are expected to be different and live our lives unlike the world’s sinful ways. When the Bible says the world’s ways, it means a life controlled by evil spirit, which is ever sinful. So it forbids believers of sinful nature and to lead the path of righteousness, for every commandment is followed by promises. The Devil permits one to read the Bible, and live like a believer; but never allows one to seek the Lord with all the heart. Satan has no problem as long as one lives a good life within his limit/ boundary. And while living within this limit one could feel like he is a true believer. We have to come beyond that limit and get the Lord’s salvation. Only then, we can lead a true believer’s lifestyles, free from lawlessness, dishonesty and darkness. Separation means parting from Satan’s controlled life.
When one is being separated from the world, his Master has been changed. So is his destination. He is now free to live according to the will of Jesus Christ. God’s will could broadly be divided into two – God’s perfect will and His permissive will. Sometimes believers are being tempted to be boastful according to one’s own perspective. One should often ask whether one’s perspectives are according to the Father’s or of the world's. Even the Old Testament spoke of separation from the unclean. We should discard the life of pride and boastful nature, but live according to the will of the Father. Father has a CARING attribute. If we obey and follow the commandments of the Father, 1) we would be welcome by Him, 2) He would be our Father and 3) We will become His children. This can be achieved only by way of separation from the world.
• Congratulated Mrs & Mr Thawngkhansiam on their holy matrimony at home and welcome them upon their return.
• CD of Phaitong Gospel Centenary observance is ready for sale.
• BYF is conducting a programme for educating EBCC’s Doctrine on ‘Attributes of God’ at 1pm.
• Couples’ Seminar is to be held on 12th April. Form for the same is available.
• Registration for the proposed Nepal Field visiting programme will be closed later today. Willing church members can submit filled-in registration form to Missions Committee.
• We are glad to have Elder Chalau on our midst today. He has retired from Govt. Service.
• Today’s tea fellowship is sponsored by Local Elder Lalsuonglien Tonsing as a token of thanksgiving to the Lord and the church members.
CONCLUSION: Elder Khamkhanpau made a closing prayer as the last hymn for the day ‘Vualzawlna Ka Tan Vang In’ chosen by Local Elder Lalsuonglien Tonsing came to an end.
Next worship service will be held on Sunday 06th April, 2014, 11:00am at the same chapel as usual. Pastor V. Nenglian will be delivering his sermon. Pastoral Prayer will be held and fasting prayer will also be held at 10am.
NOTEWORTHY: Mr. Mang Tombing, renowned Zomi martial artists attended the church service today. Upon short discourse with him during tea time, I was moved with the way he prayerfully waited upon the Lord for his future endeavour (‘promotion’, in his own term). He told how he refused attractive offerings even from a Hollowood personality like Jean Claude Van Damme. We are glad to have martial artists amidst us, who waited upon the Lord. He beseeched our prayer. At present, he stays at Katwaria Sarai, New Delhi, with his better half.
~ Sumthanlian Suantak, Content Writer