Congregation Worship | October 27, 2013
27th October, 2013
EBCC Nasirpur, Dwarka
11 am
By the grace of God, the congregation could gather and continue to worship the lord on this holy Sunday under the guidance of our Local Pastor, V. Nenglian. The Pastor started the worship service by praising the Almighty God and reading the selected bible verse for the day from Mark 14:38 which reads “Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing but the body is not”. He then made the opening prayer
The Praise & Worship Team took the aisle in leading the congregation with songs such as “Vasate’n Pathian a pak uh, Jesu lou in, Ka gam uah vaihawm and Toupa hoih hi, toupa lian hi”. This is followed by a mass prayer and then an offertory prayer by Upa Thiankhanmuan.
Upa Thiankhanmuan continued with the distribution of prizes for six people who are given special recognition for their outstanding performance in the mid Sunday school exam. . Their names are
i) B. Ginkhanmang
ii) Upar Lalsuonglien
iii) Nancy Chinghoih
iv) L.B. Sang Khooptong
v) L. Chinhaugou
vi) Zenlianmawi.
Combining for the month of September and October 2013, Upa Kamsuanthnag organized the induction of new church members. Out of the 17 new members, seven of them could attend the induction. The pastor prayed for the newly inducted members for their well being and prosperity during their stay in Delhi.
Baby Siamhoihkim D/O Mr & Mrs Chinhaugou Langel is dedicated to the lord by the Pastor.
Baptism certificate is also distributed to our fellow brothers and sisters, who have accepted the lord Jesus Christ as their savior.
i) Paukhochin
ii) Thangbiaklian
iii) Thangneihlian
iv) Ngailianniang
BIBLE STUDY: Mark 14-16
Mark 14: The arrestment of Jesus Christ
In this chapter, we can see that the temptation, arrestment and death of Jesus are well planned. The anointment of Jesus with an expensive perfumed signifies the praise and worship given to him. Like the Israel had the Passover meal the night before they left Aigupta, before they get their freedom from slavery, the last supper symbolize the freedom from slavery and sin that is about to come. We also get to know that it is not for the hardship and suffering that Jesus asked God to pass the cup in Gethsemane Garden, but for the reason that God would stay away from him as he cannot stand any sin.
Mark 15: The death of Jesus
Jesus was handed over by the Sanhedrin to Pilate as the Sanhedrin , who are Jews had no authority to order the death penalty. But Pilate, the Roman Governor had the authority to free or to give death penalty to Jesus. As per the wish of the crowd, Barabbas (meaning son of God) was freed while Jesus was flogged and then crucified on the cross. Darkness had covered the land for three hours as Jesus died on the cross. The death body was then taken, wrapped in linen and then kept in the tomb by Joseph.
Mark 16: The Resurrection:
As Jewish rules forbade handling dead bodies during the Sabbath, Jesus friends and relatives could not embalm and prepare his body on the next day after his death. That is the reason why they come on Monday only to find the greatest surprise of their lives. The resurrection of Jesus has been proved by many followers in different places. This shows that it is a resurrection of not only the soul but with the body. The last commandment that Jesus has given to his followere is that they should go all over the world and preach the gospel. He also specifically mentioned that whoever believes and is baptized will be saved.
Thus, the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ is the fulfillment of God’s plan. As long as we live, we would be living in the midst of temptation and sin. But we should earnestly give our best not to become a slave to sin. This can be achieved only if we keep praying as mentioned in Mark 14:38. God’s plan would continue to be fulfilled even in the days to come.
i) The 1st Joint Missions Motivational Meet for the members of both EBCC Central Delhi and EBCC Delhi will be organized at EBCC Dwarka on Nov 2, 2013 at 2 pm. Rev L. Khamkholun, Director (Ms) would be the speaker during this meet.
ii) A song writing competition will be held on Nov 2, 2013. Details can be seen from the notice board.
The worship service ended with a benediction by Upa Thianzakham.
#November 3, 2013 worship service would be held at the same place and time, i.e. EBCC Nasirpur, Dwarka at 11 a.m. Rev L. Khamkholun would be the main speaker as a part of the ongoing Missions Meet. .
By- Niangmuanhoih
Content Writer
Media Team