Congregation Worship | March 23, 2014

24 March, 2014



23rd MARCH 2014 | 11:00AM


PRAISE AND WORSHIP: Pastor V.Nenglian reminded the worshippers that God has transformed the sinners through faith in Him to make them new creations. For His grace is abundant and unconditional. Then the Worship Team led the congregation in singing hymns of praises. Mass prayer was held; and as offertory was brought to the pulpit, Elder (Dr.) Langkham consecrated the same.

SHARING: Nu Ngaikhanching shared her experience of how on the 20th February, she was hurt due to a fall as the bus she was travelling in suddenly skidded to a halt. God appeared in the form of a complete stranger who took her to a hospital. Citing the scripture Psalms 121, 2Kor 12:9 and Phil 1:12, she expressed her readiness to face such situations if it’s for the glory of God.  



THEME: ‘THE BEGINNING AND THE END – Thy Will Be Done On Earth (Matt 6:10)

Taking cue from Nu Ngaikhanching’s experience Pastor said that similar experiences might have happened in the lives of others through which the presence of God is revealed in the lives of Church members. He implored that such experiences be brought to him in ‘Write to Pastor’, in the church’s website which may well be published in DEW, the Church’s weekly journal. To attribute everything unto Him one has to fully trust in Him. 

The Pastor based his sermon on Matt 24:35 – “Heaven and Earth will pass away. But my word will not pass away. He also quoted scripture portion on Revelations 20 & 21. In deed the power that had been in Crimea is threatened as USA and Russian  struggled for power. Even the Malaysian Airlines MH370 had vanished on 8th March with 239 people on board. He went on telling strange happenings in the 1950’s-70’s in an imaginary location popularly referred to as the Devil’s Triangle. 

All this worldly things will come to an end one day. We should pay attention on things that will last forever; live with His words that will remain. We should not give undue priority to worldly possessions. Though they are essential for a while, they wouldn’t last till the end. Even the earth and heaven will vanish, but His words will remains for He is the beginning and the end – Alpha and Omega. God exists, but has no beginning. What Genesis 1:1 mentions about is the beginning of creation’s but not of His identity. 

The Pastor briefly mentioned about creation, how sin came into being, hell and God’s plan for salvation. He elaborated on God’s love. God gave man the gift of ‘CHOICE – FREE WILL’, the abuse of which led man into sin. God then created the path of Salvation through His son, Jesus Christ. Man would be condemned not for the sole ‘original sin’, but also for his disbelief in Jesus Christ through faith. While we were given the opportunity we should seek His salvation for the END IS COMING. A believer will share ‘Father-Child’ relationship with God. Ultimately, the End will come. The Coward/unbelievers will face His wrath.

The Pastor stressed on righteousness as is expected from a believer. Whatever riches and possession we may amass through dishonest means will not last. The unbelievers/ corrupt will be casted on Hell, Lake of fire. Then, God will make new Heaven and Earth where He will live amidst His people. He will be their God. He will wipe all our tears. We will praise Him forever and ever. He ended the sermon with a Question: Are you prepared to meet with the End (the Lord)?



  •          Registration for outing/ Visitation of Nepal Mission Field to be held during June 5 to 11 is open till March 30th.
  •          Final list of Pledge for Missions may be seen from the Notice Board.
  •          BCD Outing will be held on March 29th at DDA Ground, Vasant Kunj. Parents are expected to be there by 10am with their children. The transportation arranged earlier is being cancelled.

CONCLUSION: Elder Thiankhanmuan made a benediction as the last hymn came to an end.


Next worship service will be held on next Sunday 30th March, 2014, 11:00am at the same chapel as usual. Pastor V. Nenglian will be delivering his sermon. Induction of new members will be made.

FEEDBACK: A SMS received from Chairman, BYF translated as follow is worth mentioning: “The aptness and flow, brevity and conciseness of today’s sermon reflect the preparedness of the Pastor. Today’s sermon emphasizes the necessity of believing in God, The beginning and end and the importance of having a lasting relationship with Him



~ Sumthanlian Suantak

Content Writer, Media Team

Church Address:

Evangelical Baptist Convention Church Delhi
Plot No 16, Pocket 6, Dwarka Sector 1A
New Delhi - 110 045
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