Congregation Worship | March 09, 2014
09TH MARCH 2014 | 11:00AM
Elder Thiankhanmuan, Asst. Secy, EBCC Delhi took to the stage at 11 a.m. even as Pastor Nenglian Vualnam was on his way to the Church of Deeper Life Ministry in Shahdara as part of the ‘Pulpit Exchange Programme’ getting underway under the aegis of the Pastor Prayer Fellowship, Delhi.
He reminded the congregation about the Lord’s kindness by reading read out the scripture from Psalms 119:105 which says “Your word is a lamp that gives light wherever I walk”. Giving thanks to God for the gift of life and abundance therein, the whole congregation beseeched His wonderful guidance through the days to come. Through the devotional hymn Worship Team stoked the gathering into a spirited music filled aura crooning about the prospect of witnessing the Great Day of Contentment of Believers in Heaven.
Amen! Lord, we are eagerly waiting for that time when we gleefully meet You in perfection in Your Holy Place!
OFFERTORY Prayer: As the collection of the day’s offerings was brought before him, Elder Thiankhanmuan dedicated the same to the Lord.
Elder Damsomthang, Chairman, EBCC Delhi took up the pulpit. He made his sermon which is summed up as follows:
PERSONAL: He expressed feeling small and awkward with the present day’s gadgets. God had chosen him in spite of his shortcomings and weaknesses. He asked the church members to always uphold him in their prayers.
HISTORY EBCC DELHI CHURCH: He recounted the humble beginning of this church and how the Lord has blessed and led this far. Today, the church has expanded into two congregations. He reiterated the standpoint of EBCC Church and the purpose of its very existence:-
- To praise and worship the Lord
- To grow visibly and invisibly, in extending His kingdom
- To spread the Gospel – Evangelism
While we could praise Him individually, the purpose of this church is to come together and hold corporate worship too.
CHALLENGES: We each have the responsibility to praise and worship Him. We all have roles to play and not just leave things up to the different departments. We should continue to pray for the Committee Members of the departments and also share our innovative ideas for the church growth. At present, we are more than 1000 in strength whereas about only 300 members attended the church services regularly. Where have other members gone astray? How can we reach out to them? It’s our responsibility to mould men to praise and serve the Lord and enhance their spiritual appetite. We have the responsibility, not the authority for the same.
He emphasized the need for voluntary service to the Lord.
He, at times, gave certain illustrations, that consumed the attendants to smile.
THE SUNDAY SCHOOL MEMORY VERSE: Luke 1:14 “His birth will make you very happy, and many people will be glad.” The speaker mentioned that he will focus more on the practical side of the Biblical teachings.
- So many people had tried to write about the life of Jesus Christ, our Lord. Here in this portion Dr. Luke told Theophilus the truth about the Gospel based on various sources. The most trustworthy source is an inspiration from above. What we preached needs inspiration from Above. Have they?
- John, The Baptists’ mother, Elizabeth, was barren for long. His father, Zechariah, was a priest. In those days, childless parents carried a social stigma as they were believed to have been cursed by God. Yet, John’s parents were chosen by the Lord. Have you been chosen by the Lord?
- John will become a great servant of the Lord, and he will prepare people for the Lord. Does the Lord consider you as great, or is it just that you assumed yourself to be great? Have you led people to the Lord’s feet?
- When Zechariah was told that John would be born of him, he doubted. Have we doubted about God? God is never late.
- Only when Zechariah finished his tasks at the Temple, he left for home. His dedication is a challenge to contemporary Christians. His wife Elizabeth didn’t loiter about and gossip. She stayed at home for five months after conceiving. Thus she is an adorable lady. What about us?
- There was no specific record of Mary, the virgin lady and mother of Jesus as a sinless woman, only that she was a virgin. She needed a Saviour like anyone else does. Her readiness and devotion with humility for the Lord was significant when she said, “I am the Lord’s servant, let it happen as you have said.” (Luke 1:38). Do we humble ourselves to the Lord?
- It was strange that Zechariah’s son christened ‘John’. The name was not familiar in the family. There lies the significance. Even Abram has since become Abraham. Zechariah was standing firmly on the name, John. And Elizabeth stood by her husband. She experienced the same thing that her husband had. As a family do we share the experiences we received from the Lord?
CONCLUSION: Rev.(Retd.) V. Thangsuan, Ex- Director, Missions & Ministry, who happened to be in Delhi at the moment for treatment of his wife, took the pulpit as the fourth hymnal praise was in progress. He blessed the congregants with benediction.
Later in the day BYF, the youth wing of the Church practiced choir at the church basement while ‘Worship Team Orientation’ program was held at the conference hall simultaneously.
Pastor V. Nenglian will be delivering sermon on the sunday, the 16th March, 2014. He is a man of God and used to take extensive preparations for His service.
By- Sumthanlian Suantak
Media Team