Congregation Worship: March 02, 2014
Praise & Worship:
The worship team led the congregation in praise and worship in singing several hymns after which offerings were collected by the ushers. Upa H. Kam Suanthang made the offeratory prayer.
Pastoral Prayer:
Keeping with the tradition of praying for the members on the first Sunday of every month, Pastor V.Nenglian conducted Pastoral prayer thanking God for his abundant blessings to the congregating members having birthdays, anniversaries, achievements, etc. in the month of March. The Pastor also prayed for God’s guidance and care for the members for the whole of this month in their endeavours and daily lives.
Child Dedication:
The Pastor prayed for the following parents and their children dedicated for the glory of the Lord:
- Mrs. & Mr. G.Siamkhanlian (dedicated their child Amos G.Muansangjel)
- Mrs. & Mr. Kambiakmuan (dedicated their children Lianlallun & Lalmuan Guite)
Introduction of Honoured Guests:
We are privileged to have in our midst, the following honoured guest in today’s worship service –
- Rev.(Dr.) V.Ginsianthang
- Rev.(Retd.) V.Thangsuan
- Evan Timothy
Short Speech from Evan Timothy:
Evan Timothy is a well-known Evangelist who has been in the service of the Lord for more than 13 years. During his short speech, he spoke about how he had been incapacitated in the Lord’s work for 4-5 years due to Hepatitis-B. He expressed his thankfulness as he could again work for the Lord’s Kingdom and requested the congregation to uphold him in their prayers.
[Rev.(Dr.) V.Ginsianthang is the principal of Grace Bible College]
Rev.(Dr.) V.Ginsianthang gave a brief report of the ‘49th Pastoral Seminar’ he had attended in South Korea alongwith Rev. G.Paukhanmang. He explained that he was touched by the message delivered by the main speaker of the Seminar on the following areas:
- Pastor resource – Pastors should possess the ‘mind of Jesus’ and work with a compassionate heart.
- Pastoral Power – The power of Pastors should be derived from the power of the Holy Spirit alone.
- Every church should be A ‘Jesus driven Church’ and not to be influenced by worldly teachings.
Short Summary of the Sermon:
[Bible verses: Matthew 4:17; Mark 1:4-5; Acts 2:38]
Topic: ‘Your will be done on earth’
- The most important step/factor in doing God’s will, not only in words but in truth, is through REPENTANCE.
- There is no salvation without repentance and we cannot do God’s will without true repentance.
- Repentance is realized with the transformation of the mind – change in way of thinking, outlook and mindset.
- Rather than worrying about others, every individual and Church must introspect on whether we possess a repentant heart.
- Instead of making excuses on the nature and way of living we are born with, there is a need to change (repent) oneself to understand God’s will.
- Repentance is Change in direction. – it must change our destination (from Hell to Heaven)
- Faith and Repentance are two sides of the same coin.
- We cannot do God’s will by human strength, but by the power of the Holy Spirit through repentance.
The Worship Service was concluded with a prayer/benediction by Upa G.Khamgoupau.
Refreshment was sponsored by Pa K.Ginkhankam, as a token of gratitude to the Lord. He retired recently after 21 years of government service.
By- S Lianlalmuan
Media Team