Congregation Worship | June 14, 2015 | 4 pm
At 4.00 pm Rev. (retired) Thanglian took the dais at EBCC Delhi. The septuagenarian had been on stage two times in the past. The slot originally assigned to Upa G. Khamgoupau happened to pass on to him. His delayed homeward journey was God's way of communicating His will to him. He spoke about the vanity of Christian deeds not based on the love of Jesus Christ.
He took the case of a seething elder in the Church whose contribution in the construction of the Church building was not sufficiently acknowledged, said the Church ought to be an organism and not a social organization.
In contrast to his affection for the Church of Philippi, apostle Paul condemned the Church of Corinthians for their deficiency in the Love as shown by Christ and ultimately their arrogance.
EBC Church like the Corinthians, seem not being rooted in the love of Christ. The spiritual highs and harmonious music of praise, the prophecy, mysteries and knowledge and the faith that can move mountains, are nothing in the absence of love as stated in 1 Corinthians 13:2.
There was spiritual revival in Wales (England) in 1904-05 which is no more in the modern time with a good number of Church Buildings being abandoned. It is found that materialism; hero worship; and laymen's power wielding tendency, cause the decadence in Christianity. Even in Lamkatung Church, on an average only 1000 parishioners attend the Church services against the total population of 4000.
The speaker wondered whether the attitude of indifference to one another could have been the by-product of such apostasy in the contemporary Church.