Congregation Worship | June 09, 2013
June 09, 2013, 11am
The worship service started with the pastor reading from Psalm 15, after reading he offered a prayer. After which, the worship team led the congregation in singing hymns of praise to the Lord. Offerings were collected and Elder H Kam Suanthang led the congregation in offertory prayer .
Special No. was presented by Madangir Prayer Cell.
This Sunday was Bible School and the lessons taught from Mark chapter 7, 8 and 9.
Mark Chapter 7: It talks about Jesus and his work in and around Galilee. This chapter describe how for the Pharisees traditions made by men outweighs the real commandment of God who gave more importance to traditions like washing of hands in a special way before eating, Jesus rebuked the Pharisees by saying they practice the doctrines of men, laying aside the commandment of God and holding the traditions of men hands.
It describes the miracle perform by Jesus who cast away demons from a young girl and also healing of a deaf man who also had an impediment in his speech.
The pastor explains the importance of growing spiritually, how one should strive for spiritual well being. This can be done if we follow the commandment of God over and above man made traditions.
Mark Chapter 8: describe the feeding of thousand with seven loaves of bread and few small fish. The chapter also talks about how the Pharisees wanted to dispute with Jesus, trying to test him by asking sign from heaven, Jesus answered no sign will be given. Jesus performed another miracle by healing a blind man. Jesus asked his disciples “who do men say that I am?” his disciples answered “John the Baptist; but some say Elijah; and others, one of the prophets, Jesus asked his disciples, “ But who do you say that I am?” Peter answered and said to him, “You are the Christ.”Jesus talked to his disciples about his death and his resurrection. Jesus said to his disciples that whoever desires to come after him should deny himself and take up his cross and follow him
This is applicable to us too, are we willing to deny the worldly comforts of life to follow Jesus and bear his cross?
Mark Chapter 9: This chapter describes the transfiguration of Jesus on a high mountain before Peter, James and John. `How Elijah and Moses appeared and were talking to Jesus. Jesus also perform another miracle by casting away an evil spirit from boy. Jesus spoke again about his betrayal, his death and his resurrection.
Jesus teaches his disciple very valuable lessons of life, about humility, how one should allow others to be first and be a servant of all.
The service concluded with the Lord’s prayer.
By- Grace Don Nemching
Media Team