Congregation Worship | HC on Dec. 27, 2015
DECEMBER 27, 2015
It was the last Sunday of the year 2015, a chill day with many blessings of the Lord.
Pastor Biakson took the stage and had a prayer to open the day’s Service.
Worship Team led the congregation in Praise and Worship. As the praises songs went on, offerings were collected by Ushers and then dedicated to God by Deacon Goukhangin.
Thereafter, induction of new Church members by Secretary, TBSUC; Pastor Nenglian prayed for the newly inducted Church members and greeted them.
Secretary, Ministerial Committee took time to give the Appreciation Gifts to the Church members, who took remarkable initiatives, viz., Prayer Cell Convenors and those families who could usually have family worship time; Worship Team; Media Team, BCD teachers; Sunday School’ honour certificate awardees and those who got prizes in the EBC yearly Conference 2015 essay & story writing competition.
Pastor Nenglian occupied the pulpit to deliver the day’s sermon. The Holy Communion is usually held meaningfully and with great significance by believers.
I Corinthians 11:23-29.
Why Holy Communion?
In Remembrance
To often remember Jesus’ sufferings, His death and His risen from the death. Jesus Christ told us to organise this Communion regularly. It is also an act of obedience and discipleship. What is our relationship with Jesus to often remember this Communion?
By the sufferings, death and risen of the Lord Jesus, we have everlasting life; a living hope. This is great happiness and worth celebration.
To proclaim Christ death
To proclaim His death, we should organise this Communion.
Symbol – Bread and Wine
In remembrance of His body and blood, Jesus chose bread and wine as a symbol: His body for bread and His blood for wine in remembrance of His sufferings, His death and His risen.
Jesus Christ gave His own body for one and final sacrifice for us, so that we can belief in Him through faith. In clearly knowing His sacrificed for us, we have lots of joy and thankfulness to express.
After this sermon, Pastor ministered the Holy Communion Service with the Deacons. The whole congregation of those who are baptized participated in the Communion Service.
Worship Team led us in song after the Holy Communion Service. Pastor Nenglian closed the Service with a benediction.
Highlights of Upcoming Church Service programme:
1) 9pm, December 31, 2015 – Mid-Night Worship cum Tuailai (Youth) 1434Pro;
2) 3pm, January 1, 2016 – New Year Celebration (Friday);
3) 11am & 3pm, January 3, 2016 (Sunday).
By- P. Chinliankhup
Media Team