Congregation Worship | August 17, 2014
WORSHIP SERVICE (17 August, 2014)
The Worship Service began with a prayer from the Pastor and the Worship Team led the congregation in praise and worship till the collection of offerings. Upa G. Khamgoupau made the offeratory prayer.
Nianglunmawi Valte d/o Mrs. & Mr. Ginthanlian Valte was dedicated to the Lord by the Pastor. This was followed by distribution of prizes to 14 meritorious recipients who have secured the top 3 positions in the recently conducted Sunday school test/exam (Luke 1-6).
Mr. L.B. Muan, founder Rebuild & Restore, presented a brief introduction, vision and objective statement of this inter-denominational Christian organization established in 2013 with the motto – Let us reason together (Isaiah 1:8). The organization has a counseling centre in Sangam Vihar, offers online and telephonic counseling and also operates through ‘on-call’ basis.
The Pastor delivered Sunday Sermon with the topic “Freedom in Jesus Christ” (John 8:36). Brief summary of the sermon is as below:
“India has recently celebrated its 67th Independence Day. The freedom fighters had sacrificed their lives to be free from external/foreign control and to attain self-rule. There are several aspects of freedom – economic, political, religious, etc. However, the freedom brought to us by Jesus Christ is not about these types of freedom – it is Spiritual Freedom. The Jews, during the time of Jesus, were ignorant of the situation they were in and were unable to comprehend the freedom that Jesus spoke to them about. Spiritual freedom entails freedom from external damnation, freedom from fear, freedom from self-justification and freedom to seek God’s will. The life of freedom under Jesus Christ can only be realized through faith/belief, by always being based on God’s word and through knowledge of spiritual truth. This will lead us to have a sanctified life.”
The worship service was closed with a benediction by Upa T. Thiankhanmuan.
By- S Lianlalmuan
Content Writer, Media Team