Congregation Worship | April 19, 2015
With an opening prayer by Pastor H Biakson the congregation worship starts at 11am.The worship team took the stage and led us in praise and worship followed by mass prayer. Then the collected offertories were committed to the Lord, by Elder Thiankhanmuan.
Our local chairman Elder Damsomthang took to the podium and began his sermon which was "Comprehending what is in sight" based on Isaiah6:1-6.
He explained how Isaiah saw God all majestic, beaded in his place high and lifted up, and the temple was full of the wide skirts of his robe. When he first saw God, he did not believe that it was Him that he saw. But when the people around him all talked about how they saw God, he now knew that he had seen the Lord. It was the year King Uzziah died. Isaiah was not the only prophet that had seen God. There are also several other people in the Bible who had seen God as in Hebrew 28, Job 42:5, Ezekiel 26, Job 9:5,26, Rev 1:28, Exodus 33:1-18.
When they saw the Lord, they knew how Merciful, Holy, Glory and Mighty the Lord is. Then they came to realise how sinful their worlds were and how they have sinned against God. Consequently, they were overwhelmed with regrets and felt their futures were dark and hopeless.
In Isaiah 5, Isaiah cursed the Israelites of their sins, yet now after he saw God he came to realize his place i.e. among sinners
- He regretted his life before he saw God
- He felt compunctious
- Clean from sins
- His life changed
Though Isaiah spent his life serving the Lord, he did face lots of troubles (Acts 16/17). He then tells us the life of Moses, the choice he made to be with the Israelites in deserts rather than to be in a palace, because he fears the Lord.
Finally, he concluded his sermon by saying ”We Christians held our pride and ego in our everyday life, in church, society and social activities. We have to question our faith in God everyday whether we really fear the God we worshipped".
After the sermon, the concluding praise and worship was again led by the praise and worship team. And the benediction was done by Elder. Ngulminthang.
2nd session
The afternoon congregation worship commenced at 4:00 pm with the worship team leading in praise and worship and mass prayer. Then Pastor H Biakson took to the podium and started his sermon which can be titled:
"The month of revival for the whole family"
He started his sermon with questioning that While we're assured of our physical health, are we assured of our spiritual well being as well? Are we saved?
Even if you're active in a church activities and gathering, it is of no used if you are not assured of your spiritual well being.
John Piper, a 33years old, pastor from Bethlem Baptist Church, Minneapolis, Minnesota, who was successfully working as a pastor was asking for leave. When he was asked the reason, he said that he loved his Lord, his wife and his 5 children, but he needed a reality check if all was well with The Holy spirit in their family. He went on a sabbatical for 8 months so that he could have a quality time together with his family and God. He gave importance to his family.
- How much importance do you give to your connection between your wife, husband and God?
Naman was a brave soldier and a faithful leader, who was down with leprosy. Looking at his outward appearance, anyone would have assumed that he would be the healthiest among his troop. But the fact was that he was down with leprosy
Similarly, people in our present day church life are very presentable, regular at church services but are the exact reverse morally and spiritually. It is dangerous to be like Naman who had all the attributes of a healthy physical being when adorned in his military glory but is the exact reverse- full of sore when he takes his clothes off.
Take instances of Cornelia and John Wesley who shuddered with fear when reality rolls in. Cornelia was one who came across as a pious leader but the bible tells that he didn't have the assurance of salvation. John Wesley too was a missionary by name .When he found himself in a ship wreck that could turn fatal he had to question his assurance in his salvation again .Like both the examples drawn in we might be a regular Sunday church attendee, give tithe regularly and are actively involved in church but the question is are we ready to face the Lord .Are we assured of our salvation .When our superficial self tells us we are the picture perfect Christians the question we could all ask and ponder ourselves is ARE WE WELL WITH THE LORD? IF NOT LET US INTROSPECT.
The pastor then preceded with another important lecture which could be titled "SINS of parents manifested on the children's"
then he relates the story of Akan who took two hundred sickles of silver and a wedge of gold weighting fifty sickles from Babylon. He lost his all his family as God punished for his greed.
Sins of children inflicted on their parent: The sons of priest Eli were corrupted; they did not know the Lord, they would forcefully take the meat which was for the offering, sleep with young women who came to make a sacrifice, and broke the laws of the Lord. Their family was cursed because of their ill activities.
As written in Isaiah 54:3 Jesus had taken all our sins, our sorrows and grieves. Have our family been really saved? Now it’s the time to worry about our family or we might end up like the rich man in the gospel of Luke 16:19-31.He concluded his sermon by encouraging to look our self while we have the time.
After the sermon A Special number was presented by Nasirpur Prayer Cell who sang “Hon pe zo ngei diing.” Following that the offertories and benediction was done by Elder Goukhangin.
By: Irene Kimnunhoih
Content Writer, Media Team.