Christmas 2024 | 25 December | 10:00 AM

By Vunghoihnem
2 January, 2025

The joyous Christmas morning service began with a prayer and Scripture reading of John 1:1-11 by worship leader, Khual. Led by the worship team, the congregation sang together Christmas hymns with full enthusiasm. Thereafter, Upa Khamkhanpau Guite dedicated the offerings to the Almighty and blessed the Christmas feast.

TBUC Chairman, Upa H Kam Suanthang made a salutatory speech, welcoming visitors to church and spoke a brief Christmas message on the topic ‘Whether we avail ourselves of God’s presence or not.’ contextualizing with biblical stories of Adam and Eve, Gideon, Jonah and Samson. He read Scripture portion from Luke 19: 42-44 to conclude his message.
BCD presented a special song in praise to the Almighty, followed by the BYF choir, who presented a delightful hymn in honor of the special occasion.

Pastor T Lamkhanthang delivered his sermon on the topic ‘The Beauty of Christmas’. He began his sermon with invocation of the Almighty and a reading of Scripture portion from Matthew 1:18-23. He listed down several Christmas traditions and customs like Santa Claus, decorations, gifts and feasts, which he said are all hallmarks of Christmas time, but these glitz and glamour are not the true beauty of Christmas. Jesus Christ is the true beauty of Christmas. The son of God, emptied Himself of His outward glory and became human, born of a virgin and laid Himself in a lowly manger for sinners like us. Quoting from Psalm 51:5, Romans 5:12, I Timothy 1:11, Isaiah 1:18, 1 John 1:7 and John 1:14, Pastor Thang further cemented his message saying that the greatest Christmas gift we receive is a chance to be called ‘God’s children’.

Reading out Scripture portion from Isaiah 1:18, 1 John 1:7, John 1:14, Matthew 11:19, Psalm 24, Isaiah 59:2, Romans 3:23, Hebrew 4:15 and Isaiah 53, Pastor Thang added that Jesus truly is Emmanuel, which translates to “God with us”. Jesus is in our in our pain, exhaustion, waiting and wandering. He sat with sinners and befriended them without bias when He walked on earth. His grace reached even the filthiest sinners without respect to human merit.

Pastor Thang urged that we must humble ourselves and surrender to God and be His instrument just as Mary, Joseph, the Magi and, the Shepherds did when an Angel of the Lord appeared to them. Pastor Thang concluded his message and said that, the most meaningful way we can spend Christmas is realizing, we are sinners in constant need of God’s grace and must humble ourselves to Him.

BDC joyfully presented a choral piece ‘Joy to the World’.

Upa Chinsum concluded the morning Christmas service with a prayer.

Church Address:

Evangelical Baptist Convention Church Delhi
Plot No 16, Pocket 6, Dwarka Sector 1A
New Delhi - 110 045
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