16 June, 2016

An exciting day for the adorable young boys and girls of EBCC Delhi who turned up in huge numbers in the celebration of their day – Children’s Day 2016. Mr. Thangkhanhau, Assistant Secretary of TBCD presided over the programme. Pastor H Biakson performed the opening prayer and the service was underway. The Worship Team led the congregation in fun and delightful praise and worship, after which the day’s offerings were offered to the Lord in prayer by Deacon Chinsum.

Children’s Day message

Superintendent of TBCD Deacon Thianzakham delivered the Day’s message – a powerful message exhorting parents to secure the young children from the wicked ways of the world, and bring them to the feet of Jesus because Jesus says, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them.” Sunday school teachers need to be prayed for in their taking care of the children; for, a child is like wet cement – any mark one makes on it leaves behind its impression!

Recitals from the children

Sangkim and Ngaimuan performed a duet on the song “Love came down.” The boys and girls of Beginner A and B together recited out loud Ephesians 6:1-3 followed by a delightful action song “Ka mit aw, ka mit aw.” Primary children took to the stage to present a short but beautiful skit on Matthew 19:13-14 and also sang aloud the popular “Jesus loves me! This I know, for the Bible tells me so.” A final dance performance from Ngaimuan and her bosom friends, and an emotional rendering of “What a friend we have in Jesus” by the joint Junior-Senior-Teacher choir roused the young and old alike to great excitement and joy.

Secretary’s report

Secretary of TBCD Mr H Zabiak presented a brief report on the working and the statistics of TBCD. At present, BCD Delhi has 21 Sunday school teachers including the Superintendent. A total of 142 children are enrolled in classes from Beginner A to Senior in the age group of 3 - 17 years.

Tributes from TBDF

The mothers took a time to present tributes to the children on their auspicious Day in the form of gifts and a song titled “Vondeih” specially dedicated to them.

The Pastor’s sermon

Pastor N Tuang Lang took to the pulpit to deliver the Day’s sermon on the theme “Naupang hihna a diktatna a kilamthakna” which loosely translates as ”Rebuilding in righteousness in being a child.”

Selected text - 1 Peter 3:18. Jesus came and saved us, and because of this, we can now live our lives in righteousness with the guidance of the Holy Spirit. It matters very much that one has Christ in him, because without this, one can never be a channel of blessing to others, to the society, or to our own parents! 1 Corinthians 1:30 tells us that Christ is our righteousness and redemption and John 1:12 declares:Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God.” Children must not be allowed to escape parents’ hold; their souls must be saved.

Selected text - Genesis 37:12-17. Three qualities to be seen of young Joseph: one, he was dutiful. He answered to his father’s call immediately; two, he was obedient. He did not make a fuss, or drag his feet when asked to go and bring back word from his brothers who were in Shechem, estimated to be about 8 Kilometres away; and three, he was resolute. Upon not finding them in Shechem, he went on to seek out his brothers in Dothan, which was still about 8 Kilometres off Shechem. Joseph was young, but he had a duty and he fulfilled his duty. He later became one of the great and powerful people of Egypt.

George Washington, the first President of the USA, was a young boy when his uncle gifted him a tiny axe. Excited as he was, he ran to the garden and began axing down the plants. When his father came to see the plants later, he was furious. Young George quickly confessed to his father saying, “I cannot tell a lie.” At this, the joyful father took his son in his arms and told him that his son’s words were worth more than all the plants and trees in the garden. God blesses people who are honest, righteous and speak the truth. Doing what is right is the path to success.

Pastoral prayer

Pastor H Biakson read out verses from Luke 2:52, Psalms 78 and Psalms 117, and urged upon the congregation to earnestly pray that the Lord rebuild the new generation - a generation young and pure at heart, not yet fouled by the wicked ways of the world; a generation we are looking forward to. The Pastor then performed a special prayer for the children and teachers.

The Day’s programme came to a close with a benediction by Deacon Damsomthang.

Church Address:

Evangelical Baptist Convention Church Delhi
Plot No 16, Pocket 6, Dwarka Sector 1A
New Delhi - 110 045
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