Bible Sunday (18.08.2013)
Date: 18th August 2013
Time: 11 AM
Pastor Nenglian welcomed the congregation. Reading out the word of God from Psalms 23 which is about the Lord being the great Shepherd of his people, he gave thanks and praise to the Almighty for leading His people thus far and for the assurance of his guidance and protection for the future. Then the worship team led the congregation in giving praise and worshipping the Lord. Inspiring hymns like `Aw a Lamdang e’, `Vualzawlna ka tan vang in’, `Bible Pomkip in’ were sung prayerfully. During the praise and worship, the congregation spent a few moments committing themselves to the Lord. The offering was collected and Upa Thiankhanmuan dedicated it to God.
Pastor told the congregation that the church is observing Bible Sunday because of the need to know more about the Bible, its importance and the promotional work involved in the translation, printing and distribution and the role each member of the Church can play towards this end for the spread of the Gospel. He introduced Leut. Colonel S. John, the president of the Gideons International in India who had come to share about the work being done by the Gideons Ministry in the printing and distribution of the Bible, and brother K. Anbalagan, a member of the Gideons International in India.
The sharing by Leut. Colonel S John mainly centered around three points viz., `Who are the Gideons?’, `Why are they here?’ and ` What do they want from believers?’
The Gideons International was formed 113 years ago by two businessmen in the USA who met in a hotel room and read their Bibles and pray. The name Gideon was taken from Judges 6-7. The Gideons strongly believe and trust in the word of God. Their mission is to testify what the word of God can do and bring the message of salvation to everyone. Their work revolves around printing and distribution of the Bible. One method of distribution is by placing copies of the Bible in Hotel rooms around the world. The Gideons International is now working in 200 countries and is having 700 camps in India. The Gideons expects the believers to –
-Pray for their Ministry
-Be partners with them by sparing the time to be a Gideons
-Become Friends of Gideons by contributing whatever amount they want towards the Ministry which would be utilised solely for printing of more Bibles.
After the sharing, Pastor exhorts the congregation to pray for more Gideons to come forward for the glory of God.
Reading out the word of God from 1 Samuel 1: 24-28 which is about giving back to God what He has given, he dedicated baby Gladys Ngaingaihzual d/o T. Lalbiaklian as a love offering to God.
The theme for the month of August being `Building up One Another in Love’, Pastor spoke about God’s love and Love for others/fellow human beings. God is Love and the Christian Ministry is a Ministry of Love. He read out the word of God from John 13:34-35 and 1 John 4:7-21, the Central theme of which God is Love.
There are different kinds of love but for believers, God is Love.
- God’s very nature is Love.
- God is the source of Love.
- God’s Love is manifested through His son, Jesus Christ.
- The Fruit of Love – no fear. Perfect love casts out all fear. But without God, there is no perfect love.
God has given us a new commandment to love one another as He has loved us. The reason why it is so difficult for us to love one another or be happy is because we do not exercise God’s love. One example of exercising God’s love is forgiveness. Since God is love, we should love one another and build up one another in love. For a believer, it is not a choice but a command from God. It is not accomplished in our own strength, but through God’ love.
Stressing the need to exercise the love of God in the lives of believers, Pastor quoted part of the speech given by Hamid Ansari, the Vice President of India at the Ecumenical Christian Centre and ended the sermon in prayer.
“If we were to follow, in letter and spirit what has been taught by Jesus Christ, we would eliminate war and conflict from this world and thereby establish durable peace which is so essential for progress and prosperity of mankind”
-Hamid Ansari
Thereafter, important announcements were made which includes the Sunday worship programme for the next week i,e 25th August. Sunday school lesson on Mark chapter 12-13 would be conducted by the Pastor. A test examination paper of the earlier lessons from Mark chapter 1-10 would also be distributed. Pastor also announced the commencement of registration for the Discipleship Camp scheduled for 26-28 September,2013. Registration would be open upto 15 September.
Those who attended the worship service for the first time were welcomed.
The congregation then rose and sang `Pathian Laisiangthou muang in’ in praise of God and Upa Chinsum closed the service with a benediction.
By- K. Muanniang
Media Team