Bible Cover to Cover 15 Times In A Year (2020)

Pu DP Haokip, IRS (Retd.)
26 December, 2020

You yourselves are our letters of recommendation, written on our hearts, to be known and read by all. And you show that you are a letter from Christ delivered by us, written not with ink but with Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts.

2 Corinthians 3:2-3 (ESV).

As the year is winding up with pandemic around the globe, we as children of God should give thanks and glory to the Almighty for all His loving kindness upon us. When I looked back, I can only count the blessings upon my life. I retired peacefully from service in February but not retire from reading the word of God (the Holy Bible). It was my NY (New Year) resolution to read the Bible at least 10 times this year. God granted my heart’s desire and I could accomplish it. I want all who go through this message to make 2021 resolutions, commitments and decisions to read the Bible at least one time. While I am encouraging and pushing forward you to have a resolution and decision to read the Bible, I myself will deviate from that main course because I have decided to write the Bible in 2021.

Let’s us not only read and search the Scriptures as the Bereans (Acts 17:11) but also write the Holy Bible in our own handwriting.

I take this opportunity to congratulate and extend my heartfelt thanks to all brothers and sisters who have completed writing the Bible. It is my heart’s desire to have my own hand written Holy Bible. As on date, many Christians have their own copies of hand written Bible.

In the Bible it is written that even the king shall write for himself in a book a copy of this law, approved by the Leviticus priests.

The king shall keep with him and shall read it all the days of his life, that he may learn to fear the Lord his God by keeping all the words of this law and these statutes and doing them. (Deuteronomy 17:18-19).

It is seen that we need to read the Bible all the days of our life and also write it down for ourselves. I have visited some Bible writers and seen their hand written copies. I am so proud of them and envy to have my own copy. The mind set of writing the Bible ushered in my heart more than a decade ago but I was not serious about it. Today many youths have come up with new ideas of learning the word of God. Writing is one of the best forms of learning. Francis Bacon said, “Reading maketh a full man; conference a ready man and writing an exact man.” Yes, reading makes a man full (know everything) writing makes an exact man (perfect). When we read the Bible we know it but when we write we will be better equipped and ready to use it for any purpose. Therefore, let us read the Bible, memorize it and write it down.

In the above mentioned passages, we are a letter from Christ which everyone can read and understand. We are the walking Bible and our life is a sermon for many people around us. We are the letter of Christ and the Bible that people are reading daily. In our daily walk with God, let us be careful about our attitude, conduct and behaviour about our speech and actions.

This year the details of my Bible reading schedule for kind information is as under:

  1. 01-01-20 to 04-02-20 (35 days) in NJKV- Gideons Bible.
  2. 05-02-20 to 18-03-20 (43 days) in Kuki+OV Ref.
  3. 19-03-20 to 01-04-20 (14 days) in NIV+
  4. 02-04-20 to 17-04-20 (16 days) in NIV@R.
  5. 18-04-20 to 26-04-20 (9 days) in ESV.
  6. 27-04-20 to 25-05-20 (29 days) in Kuki (OV Ref).
  7. 26-05-20 to 17-06-20 (23 days) in NKJV-Gideon’s Bible.
  8. 18-06-20 to 16-07-20 (29 days) in Gangte Holy Bible.
  9. 17-07-20 to 01-08-20(16 days) in NIV.
  10. 02-08-20 to 19-08-20(18 days) in ESV.
  11. 20-08-20 to 08-09-29 (21 days) in NKJV.
  12. 09-09-20 to 29-09-20 (21 days) in Kuki (OV Ref).
  13. 30-09-20 to 22-10-20 (23 days) in NIV.
  14. 23-10-20 to 15-11-20 (24 days) in ESV.
  15. 16-11-20 to 24-12-20 (39 days) in Zou Holy Bible.

This year the average days to complete reading the Holy Bible is 24 days (365/15=24).

During the year I have completed reading the Bible in 14 days (19 March to 1st April) and again in 16 days (2nd April to 17th April) thereafter I Whatapped prayer request to my friends that I may complete reading this time in 15 days so that Bible is read cover to cover in 14,15 & 16 days. Now, very interesting thing happened. Miss Christina Chinnunnem d/ o Evan. Lienthuom Gangte contacted me in her dad’s phone and told me about her heart’s desires to complete reading the Bible in less than 10 days. I told her that if you can do that I too can do it. And together we can do. Challenge accepted and by God’s grace she completed in 9 days. After coming to know her accomplishment I too put my first gear and speed up my Bible Race Course and completed it in 9 days (18th April to 26th April). I am grateful to Christina and her father because 9 days is the shortest timing in my life to read the Bible. May God bless both father and daughter.

Evan. Lienthuom Gangte also is a pioneer in challenging youths to read the Bible and Back to the Bible slogan to eradicate all ills and evils in our present generation among the youths. The response to his challenge is overwhelming and hope God in His own time will send revival in our land.

Miss Christina also completed reading the Bible in less than 10 days a couple of times this year. She is a good singer and helping her dad in God’s ministry.

Later on many youths especially from Lingsiphai village and other places like Ngathal village completed reading the Bible in less than 10 days. I praise and thank God for using many young boys and girls to read the Bible in a stipulated time as per schedule.

I have with me a list of people who read the Bible in 3,4,5,6,7,8,9 days and other people who read it 10 times etc.etc. Total people who read the Bible in less than 10 days is about 75 in number. There may be many who are not in my list and network. But one thing I am very sure about is that there is famine and thirst on our land - and that famine is not of bread and thirst is not of water, but of hearing the words of the Lord. (Amos 7:11).

Due to pandemic, there is no church service and many people are watching on line services (zoom) and YouTube messages. In spite of all this, we still have our Bible not to be read and use as guide for our daily life. Let’s begin to read the Bible in 2021, you never know that what times are ahead of us.

We are not consumed because of the Lord’s faithfulness. Great is you faithfulness, O Lord.

The best Christmas season gift is the gift of His Son Jesus Christ from the loving Father God to save us from sin. He died for our sins and redeemed us. Jesus is our Lord and Saviour.

The best gift I can give to myself this 2020 Christmas is reading the Bible 15 times on 24th December. What a fabulous gift. If anyone envies me, you can try it and there is no harm at all. You are most welcome in the club of people who are reading the Bible 10 times in three consecutive years. I completed reading it 13 times in 2018, 10 times in 2019 and 15 times in 2020.

Thank you all - my fb/ Whatapp and social media friends and prayer partners. May God bless and keep you safe and sound in 2021!

Stay hungry for the word of God. This is my testimony. All who read be blessed.

In Christ,

DP Haokip, K. Salbung village on Christmas Day the 25th December, 2020.


Note: Heutupa DP, sepna apan a khawl ma in Angel’s Vision cable network tawh (Apr 27, 2018), huan, a khawl nung in Weekend Horn tawh (Dec 19, 2020 in) houlim kha uhi. A ngai utte adi’n -

Interview with DP Haokip and Weekend Horn Interview DP Haokip Retired IRS

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