BCD Parents-Teachers Prayer Fellowship | 17 July 2022 | 2:00 PM
Htp. Pausianmung welcomed all the parents and highlighted the programme for the day. After prayer by Pastor Khankham, the BCD worship team led the congregation in singing two hymns focusing on the family. Ordained elder Chinsum dedicated the offerings to the Lord.
Announcement by Local Secretary, T. Goukhangin followed. He informed that as desired by EBC Headquarters, calendar year instead of the Government’s financial year would be followed for the terms of various Committees/Deptts. Accordingly, election to the Committees/Deptts as well as financial audits are scheduled to be completed by 31 December, 2022.
Ordained elder T. Ngulminthang from the Building & Property Maintenance Sub-Committee gave a brief motivational speech on the Sunday School Building Project. He said that besides catering to the spiritual needs of children by our Pastors and Sunday school teachers, the physical needs of children also has to be taken care of. Creating the right environment plays an important role in the Children’s Ministry. God is very interested in building up the young generation. He urged the parents to take active part in the SS Building project and reminded them that it is a priviledge to have an opportunity to be a part of the project. Thereafter, Pastor Lamkhanthang prayed for the Sunday school teachers, children and parents.
The Superintendent of BCD, ordained elder H. Zabiak read out scripture portion from Judges 2:7,10 and said that after the death of Joshua and other elders, the new generation of the Israelites do not know the Lord. He drew a parallel between this and the church from where the Welsh missionaries came to bring the gospel of Christ to our land. After more than 100 years, the church has been sold as there was nobody to attend. Stressing the importance of the family and upbringing of children in the knowledge and instruction of the Lord, he challenged parents to look ahead on what would happen after 100 years even as EBCC Delhi commemorated 30 years of existence in June this year. He said that the future of the church, our people and land will depend on how parents brought up their children. Citing the scripture portion from Matthew 14:25-33, he talked about two kinds of believers. While the other disciples watched Jesus walking on water from the comfort of the boat, only Peter jumped out of the boat and walk on water. Only he (Peter) experienced the power of God. He lamented the fact there are very few practical Christians today who not only see God’s work but experience it in their lives. He also said that Moses was brought up by his mother in the teachings of God and when he grew up, he chose to be with his people rather than be treated as Pharoah’s son. He posed the question ‘Does the church as well as parents give due importance to the spiritual development of children?’ ‘How can we grow more in this area?’ Lastly, he observed that the church has a local child evangelist but the need is a full fledged Pastor for the BCD.
Thereafter, the Sunday school teachers from Senior class to Beginner A made a brief report about their class activities, the challenges they faced and the encouragement they received in the Children’s Ministry. The main points in their reports are as under:-
- The Children’s Ministry is both encouraging and challenging at the same time.
- There are four teachers for each class. Two of them taught in the morning and the other two taught in the afternoon service. But due to alternate timings for attending the service for each area, continuity cannot be maintained.
- Attendance of students is a major concern for which parents and teachers need to work together
- Parents should ask their children about what they learnt in the classes and give feedback to the teachers
- Some students brought their mobile phones to class and cooperation of parents is needed in this regard.
- Teaching children is a learning experience for the teachers too. Due to technology, children are more knowledgeable today than in the past. But mere knowledge should not be taken as a sign of maturity.
- There is a need for parents to ensure that students learn the memory verse before coming to class.
- Students in primary class are required to bring pencil and eraser. Parents to make them fill up the memory verse and other things which teachers sent on whatsapps on their work book.
- Parents to send their children to class after mental preparation and prayer so that they realize that the church is holy.
- Parents need to refrain from sitting with their children in the Sunday school classes.
- Children to be taught to pray by parents at home.
- The span of attention of children especially in Beginner classes is very less. Teachers made them do coloring and engaged them in action songs.
After the report from the Sunday school teachers, discussion and experience sharing from parents was taken up. Thereafter, the congregation sang one hymn followed by mass prayer. Ordained elder H. Kamsuanthang closed the worship service with prayer and benediction.