About EBCC Delhi


The light of Christianity was brought to the beautiful hills of Manipur in the early part of 20th century. The growing number of new converts in the region necessitated the establishment of churches to cater to their spiritual needs and to be a torchbearer of gospel to larger number of people. It was in this context that the Manipur Christian Convention Church (later changed to Evangelical Convention Church) was established in the year 1948 at Sialbu Village in Southern Manipur. The Church was later recognised as a Charitable Religious Institution with the Commissioner of Income Tax, North Eastern Region, Shillong. It was also registered under the Societies Registration Act, XXI of 1860 and the Foreign (Contribution) Regulation Act, 1976.

Establishment of EBC Church, Delhi:

Owing to its excellence in the field of education and better employment opportunities in the capital city, Delhi has witnessed migration of large number of people from the Manipur since the early 1980s. Members of ECC who arrived in a city new to them soon realised that a kind of formal gathering is required to continue their spiritual and cultural activities in the new environment.

At the initial phase, church members from different parts of the city come together for prayer and worship services in their rented accommodations during weekends, shifting from one place to another.  As their number grew further, church members organised themselves as prayer cell groups within their localities and met together for prayer fellowship.

Till today, this area fellowship/prayer cell, organized by members in various localities remains a unique and blessed feature of the present Evangelical Baptist Convention Church, Delhi.  As the church members in Delhi grew further, it was felt that a more focused and structured organisation is essential to cater to the moral and spiritual needs of immigrant members. In was in this context that the Evangelical Convention Church (ECC), Delhi (later changed into the Evangelical Baptist Convention Church) was established on Sunday, the 21st June, 1992 and Upa G Damsomthang was elected the first Chairman.

The Church began its regular worship service on 13th March, 1993 at Green Park Free Church, New Delhi. The establishment of an urban ECC in Delhi opened up a new vista for the Church as, for the first time, the Church was compelled to face new challenges posed the new urban Church.

Affiliation to Baptist World Alliance:

With a view to broaden its ministries, the Church acquired Membership of the Baptist World Alliance in 1998, and rechristened itself as the Evangelical Baptist Convention (EBC).

Own Chapel: 

Owing to the continued growth of membership, and also the limited availability of chapels for hire, the desire for a place of their own for worship and social gathering began to be felt among the Church members. To initiate its Church building mission, the Church set aside Rs. 2000 as seed money from its meagre funds. Towards this, the infant church leaders submitted a request to the Delhi Development Authority for allotment of land for construction of a chapel in 1995.

The whole Church members prayed and waited. Clearly, God heard the wishes of so many hearts and in 1997, the Delhi Development Authority (DDA) allotted a plot of land at Plot No. 16, Pocket 6, Dwarka Phase-1, New Delhi for building a Church building in April 1997. The following year (1998) Right Rev. Karam Masih, Delhi Diocese/Bishop, Church of North India (CNI) performed the ground breaking ceremony at the allotted site. Construction of the chapel building commenced with funds received from members’ contributions, financial help of the Church Headquarters in Manipur, voluntary one day wages contributed by members across the Evangelical Baptist Convention and other free will offering from well-wishers.

With the construction work, having been completed in October 2000, Rev. L Khamkholun, General Secretary of EBC Headquarters dedicated the building for the glory of God in a special dedication service on 12th November, 2000. We praise the Almighty God for His plans and His leading.

Governance & Administration

Administrative Matters: As one of the congregations of the larger Evangelical Baptist Convention Church, it is required to conform to the basic administrative structure and systems laid down by headquarters. At the local church level, Local Deacons Committee or Local Upa Committee (LUC) exercise supreme authority in administrative matters. The LUC has over-arching supervisory authority over all other committees or fellowships. The missions activities are steered by the Local Missions Committee (now known as the Baptist Missions Committee), the Women Fellowship being organized and led by the Baptist Dorcas Fellowship, while the Youth organized themselves under an elected committee called the Baptist Youth Fellowship. The affairs of children, mostly in the age group of 3 to 17 years, fall under the Baptist Children Department.

Upa Bial (Parish):

For the Pastor and the church leaders, it has been a great challenge to be able to minister to the church members, who are scattered over the length and breadth of the city, in their joy and sorrow. For better care and closer relationship, church members are divided into cells, each cell made up by a cluster of families or individuals living in close proximity to one another. Such a cell is called Deacon’s home group or Upa Bial. Each parish is entrusted to one or two church deacon, who conducts house visits, prayer meetings and spiritual activities. These deacons or elders act as the link between the Pastor and the church members. A crucial activity of the home group members is the weekly prayer meeting. A group convenor is nominated among themselves to provide leadership within the home group.

Spiritual Ministry:

The EBC headquarters, being greatly concerned with the spiritual lives of the church members who moved to Delhi in pursuit of education or employment, had posted a full-time Church minister to pastor the members who are spread over the length and breadth of the vast metropolis. The functions of the Pastor maybe summarized in the following:

  • House visit, visiting prayer cells & area fellowships, visiting sick & patients admitted into various hospitals.
  • Attend personal counselling, counselling through phone & internet.
  • To perform religious ceremonies
  • Preaching in the Sunday worship services
  • Maintaining liaison and coordination with other Church Organizations

The small publications of the Church both serve as organs to inform and provide spiritual messages. There are two such publications on date. One is the Delhi EBC Weekly or DEW for short, and the Gamchiam, a monthly publication. The Pastor serves as the Editor of these internal organs.

Table Ministry: As the Church meetings end on Sundays, church members are treated a simple cup of tea before they disperse. This is called Table Ministry. It has served as a beautiful opportunity for church folks to catch up with news about friends, or to develop new intimate friendship among themselves.

Church Expansion

A couple of years ago, a clear vision from God has been conceived by the leaders of this local church to expand new churches in and around the National Capital Territory of Delhi.

As the good Lord leadeth the EBCC Delhi on, April 25, 2010 became a red letter day for this congregation. On this day of April at 1:30 PM the Local Pastor of EBCC Delhi, Rev. Nenglian Vualnam administered and inaugurated "EBCC Central Delhi" at B.M. Ganges Girl's Senior Secondary School Hall, Rajniwas Marg, Delhi (North) in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit in the midst of full-packed attendance of its members. From that very day onwards, a new place of Worship meant especially for those members residing in and around Trans-Yamuna, North Delhi, Central Delhi and adjoining areas took birth in Delhi. Halleluijah!

Church Address:

Evangelical Baptist Convention Church Delhi
Plot No 16, Pocket 6, Dwarka Sector 1A
New Delhi - 110 045
Copyright © 2025 EBCC Delhi. All rights reserved.