BYF Day Worship Service | 20 October 2024 | 2:00 PM
Greeting the congregation, worship leader Mr. Pauchinlian committed the Tuailai Day to the Almighty in prayer. After an uplifting and heartfelt praise and worship session, elder Khamkhanpau Guite dedicated the offerings to the Lord.
Chairman TBYF, Moses Lianzachin gave the BYF Day message. Reading from John 15:5, he reminded the youths to abide in Jesus even when triumphs and challenges comes in life. He quoted Galatians 5:22-23 and challenged the youths that we must strive to bear good fruits among our friends and family. He also read out Tuailai Day letter sent by Rev. V Thangkhanmuan, Youth Coordinator EBC to the congregation.
Pastor T Lamkhanthang made important announcements including Church Leader Seminar for the coming Saturday and Bial Khawmpi for the month of November. Welcoming the first timers to church, he read out 1 Timothy 4:11-12 which was followed by invocation of the Lord for the youths. Thereafter, TBYF Music Department made a report regarding a music video made by the TBYF Choir. As requested by the Music Department, Pastor T. Lamkhanthang blessed the music video premiering, which was then aired on screen in front of the congregation.
Dorcas Quartet presented a special song beautifully.
Pastor Dr. Suankhanhau Gualnam was the main speaker for the day, he started his sermon by reminiscing a little on how they spent their BYF Days. He then proceeded to elucidate the importance of bearing the fruit of the Spirit as written in 1 Peter 4:10, Galatians 5:22-23 and John 15:5. He read out Scripture portion from Matthew 5:14 and drew parallels between the fruit of the Spirit and a city on a hill; our qualities cannot be hidden just as a city on a hill cannot be hidden. Pastor exhorted the youths to walk in the Spirit which entails the fruit of the Spirit mentioned in Galatians: love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control; as opposed to walking in the flesh which eventually led to idolatry, sorcery, adultery, contentions, outbursts of wrath and dissensions.
Pastor Hau also read out John 15:5 and expounded the passage on the importance of abiding in Jesus Christ, the true vine. Our relationship with Jesus Christ will produce the fruit of the Spirit. To conclude his sermon, Pastor urged the youths on the importance of leading a holy life and exhorted the youths on the consequences of not abiding in Jesus Christ.
Muanhuaina Group presented a beautiful choir which was followed by the first quiz session. Thereafter, BCD Trio presented a special song and was followed by Lemna Group who presented a heartfelt choral piece.
BYF Committee conducted the last quiz session. Kipahna Group, Hoihna Group and Migitna Group presented a special choir each. An exciting prize distribution and thanksgiving session was conducted by the BYF Committee.
The praise and worship team led the last hymn and Pastor T Lamkhanthang closed the Tuailai Day with a prayer and benediction.