Sunday Worship Service | 13 October 2024 | 5:00 PM
The service began with an invocation of the Almighty and an uplifting praise & worship session led by the worship team. Upa Thiankhanmuan dedicated the offerings to the Lord.
Pastor Lamkhanthang extended a warm welcome to the visitors/first timers to the church. He then read out 2 Corinthians 5:14-15 and took up pastoral prayer for the congregation.
The Speaker for the service Rev. Gin Malsawm spoke on the theme ‘What do you see’ based on Matthews 14:25-32. He explained how our perspective or what we see impact our life and stress the need to focus on Christ always. In the scripture portion above, the disciples saw Jesus in three different ways as He came walking on the sea towards them. In the beginning, they thought he was a ghost and it filled them with fear. But when Peter saw that it was Jesus, he requested Him to command him to walk on the water towards Him. Jesus did so and Peter started walking on the water. As long as his eyes were fixed on Jesus, Peter was able to achieve the miracle of walking on the water but when he saw the boisterous wind, he was scared and started sinking.
To drive home his point, Speaker also brought out examples from other Bible passages of seeing Jesus to overcome every challenges. In Genesis 39, Joseph was lured by Potipher’s wife but was able to resist because he had a clear perspective of God. He saw God between himself and Potipher’s wife. Joshua and Caleb, two of the Israelites sent to explore the land of Canaan in Numbers 13 saw God in their midst and were not afraid while the others focused on the powerful inhabitants of the land and the large and fortified cities, even assuming that the inhabitants will see them as grasshoppers. Scared because they didn’t have a clear perspective of God, they filled the minds of the Israelites with fear. Likewise, David boldly faced Goliath in the name of the Lord of Hosts and Daniel and his friends remained true to their commitment and in defending their faith as they had a clear perspective of God.
Speaker also passionately exhorted the youths to see God in everything and in all circumstances; practice seeing things in the right perspective and examine what they see. He spoke of the need to see that we can do all things with God and to place ourselves in His Hands. Life is worth only when we have God. Young people should broaden their horizon and move forward with courage and strength.
Explaining the meaning of fixing our eyes as to focus, not looking at others or the surroundings, he urged the youths to fix their eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of their faith and live like true believers, whether they are pursuing their career, education or working. He professed that the more we turn our face on Jesus, the more we will see Him clearly, love Him and find satisfaction in life, and extended invitation to have the Jesus he has.
Pastor Lamkhanthang briefly shared how God raised him up and the importance of living a holy life for the glory of God. Upa Chinsum then made an announcement about the Tuailai Day Programme on 19 and 20 October 2024 and extended invitation for the wedding ceremony of Thanggousuan and Vunghoihdim on 23 October 2024.
Thereafter, the last hymn was sung and the service concluded with Thanksgiving prayer by Upa Chinsum.