Sunday Worship Service | 01 September 2024 | 11:00 AM
The service began with a reading of Psalms 66 and invocation of the Almighty by worship leader Thangkhanhau. After a heartfelt praise and worship session, Upa Kamsuanthang dedicated the offerings to the Lord.
Pastor Suankhanhau made an announcement regarding the Baptismal service scheduled for 7 September at 2 PM and the Dorcas Bible camp to be held shortly. He then welcomed the first timers/visitors to the church. Reading out 1 Tim 2:1-2, he took up the pastoral prayer for the congregation.
Bible study on Galatians 4:12-31 was taken up by Pastor Lamkhanthang. After a brief recap of the circumstances of Paul’s letter to the Galatians, he expounded on Paul’s attitude towards the Galatians emphasizing how he never gave up on them and pursued them. He talked of Paul’s humility, his striving for peace and in building a good relationship with those he came into contact. Pastor also asked the congregation to examine their attitude to other people and urged them never to give up on them as Paul did. He also highlighted the fact that Paul had preached the Gospel to the Galatians at first because of a bodily ailment and drew a lesson that God can use whatever hardships we face for good. He knows what is best and this assurance should make us at peace and at rest in Him. He also explained how Paul’s condition was a trial to the Galatians, his deep concern and love for the Galatians, persecution faced by those born according to the spirit from those born according to the flesh and the blessedness of being children of promise and family of God. He concluded by saying that as our Father, we can come before the throne of God anytime and He will lighten our burden and give us His peace and rest.
Sister Ruby Lianroumawi Saikia gave a short sharing about her life, calling and family background. She read out Isaiah 41:10 and made prayer request for her family to stay strong in faith. Thereafter, the Pastors and Elders prayed over her.
Led by the worship team, the congregation sang the last hymn and the service concluded with thanksgiving and benediction by Upa Langkham.