Sunday Worship Service | 01 September 2024 | 5:00 PM

6 September, 2024

The worship service begans with the reading of scripture from the book of Mark 13: 32-37. This was followed by the Worship team leading the congregation in Worship, during this time offerings were collected and it was later dedicated to God by elder Tuanmuanthang.

Pastor T Lamkhanthang then,made few important announcements and conducted Pastoral prayer for the mass.

Brother Lun Hangshing takes the stage and beautifully presented a blended song of “Mangthang kikou aw & itna Kiching” .

Pastor Dr Suankhanhau Gualnam stood to present his Speech for the afternoon to the congregation.

The lessons for the day includes Lesson 17 & 18 (Galatians 4:12-31).

The main topics were of “Paul’s appeal to the church of Galatians” & “(comparison of) the son of slave and son of freedom”.
He explained about how Bible Chapters are a follow up of one another, and with that in between chapter 3 & 4, there were two things which were common, which were Law & Grace.
Pastor then also highlighted the previous class about Paul’s teachings to the galatians.

Moving in to the day’s lesson, In the Introductory section he introduce a theme with the beginning of the verse 12 i.e “The Right Christian leader”. He then gave example that the teachings of Grace is the right teaching and freedom from bondage and slavery of sin. He talked about two teachers during that time in Galatia, they were False teachers and teachers who teaches sound doctrine.

Pastor then elaborated how our pains and sufferings are not by nature but God’s plans in our lives, He further elaborated it with an example that when Paul first preached and introduced himself, he was labouring in the flesh through infirmity, yet they did not despise nor rejected him on account of it but on contrary, received him as an angel of God (even as Jesus Christ).

Further in his teaching he explained how Paul now then questioned the people because they had start to reject him - “where were those time when you all had gladly accepted my teachings”. (v16. Am I now your enemy, because I tell you the truth?)

He elaborates that the teaching of law has now power but the Gospel has the power to change lives that to those whoever believes receives salvation.
Pastor concluded the sermon by elaborating how Paul made his appeal to the people by asking them to come back to the truth.

The service continued with sister Ruby Lianroumawi Saikia sharing a brief introductory about herself, family and shared her Testimony.
Pastor T Lamkhanthang concluded Ruby’s sharing with the reading of scripture from Psalms 32:8, Psalm 119:71, Phillipians 3:12-14.

Led by The worship team, with the closing of the service the congregation sang together a Hymnal song. Elder T Songzalian closed the service with Thanksgiving and Benediction.

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Church Address:

Evangelical Baptist Convention Church Delhi
Plot No 16, Pocket 6, Dwarka Sector 1A
New Delhi - 110 045
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