Sunday Worship Service | 21 July 2024 | 5:00 PM
The day’s worship service was initiated by Unaunu K K Ching Tonsing, who read Scripture from the Book of Philippians 4:6&7, then delivered the invocation. This was followed by the worship service, and the offertory dedicated by Upa T Thiankhanmuan. The session was concluded with a special item given by Unaunu Rebecca Mawite, a song titled ‘Nisim In’.
This worship service was also a Sunday school class, presided over by Pastor Dr Suankhanhau Gualnam. His main subject of teaching was on the topic of salvation and the law, from the Book of Galatians 2:11-21. He took a line-upon-line approach with his teaching, beginning with verse 11, where the scripture tells us that Paul opposed Cephas(Peter). Now Peter was a guest in Antioch, which made it quite peculiar that Paul would oppose him. Indeed, customarily, a guest would be welcomed as opposed to, well, opposition. So what was the reason behind Paul’s opposition towards Peter? In verse 12, the Scripture says, “…after they came, he (Peter) drew back and kept himself separate for fear of the circumcision faction”, meaning Peter was being a hypocrite, and Paul was calling out his hypocrisy. This hypocrisy was leading the other teachers astray. Paul saw that their actions were not consistent, that it was not lining up with the Gospel. And being a man of resolution, who adhered to their principles, Paul rebuked Peter. To these apostles, Paul presented the message about Jesus. He confirmed it to be the same message they are preaching: that one cannot be saved by keeping the law. Romans 10:4 says, “For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes”. He is greater than the Sabbath.
The concluding message is this: that one cannot be saved by keeping the law. Salvation is found only through faith in Christ and His substitution for us in dying for our sin on the cross. The question for Gentile believers is whether they must start following the law after trusting in Christ.
After Pastor Hau’s edifying class, the service was concluded with a song of praise led by the worship team, and benediction given by Upa T Songzalian.