Sunday Worship Service | 26 May 2024 | 2:00 PM
The service was started by Tg. H. Mangkhanlian by reading a portion from the bible taken from Sam 92:1-4,11. After an uplifting Praise and Worship led by the Worship Team , Upa .Nengzalam dedicated the offerings to the Lord.
Mass prayer was led by Upa Chinsum where he focused on the church's upcoming plans and to continue praying for the ongoing clash in Manipur.
A melodious song (Den Chiang Chise Ke'n) was presented by Lia. Chiinsonkim.
Upa. Zabiak started the sermon focused on Tuailai Camp 2024 by reading a portion from the Bible taken from 1 Corinthians 15:34.
Relationship with God
He emphasised on maintaing a good relationship with God which will enable you to have a good relationship with the people around you as well.
1) Relationship (Family / Children)
* How to have a good connection with family
-Good communication
-Caring one another
- Faithful in promises
- More family time
* Disadvantages of no family connection
- Bad relationship
- Harmful to society5 Types of relationship
1) Relationship with Spouse (1Kor 6:9-10)
2) Relationship with children
3) Relationship with siblings (Sam 133) (Gen47:9)
4) Job
5) Helping others2. MATERIALISM (Matthai 6:19-21, Isai 3:16-17)
Lot's choice (Gen 13:10-11)
Lev 19:28
1Peter 3:3-43. SUBSTANCE ABUSE
Peer pressure - Choose friends wisely
Instability at home
Mental instability
Unhealthy books/pics4. TIME MANAGEMENT (Job 1:5)
He explained on how important it is to have a proper time table on how we spend our daily life's.
Prioritising God, reading Bible and praying regularly in your daily life.5. HUMILITY (Matt 24:44)
Letting go of ego and pride
Sermon was followed by Upa Kamsuanthang welcoming the new comers. He also informed about the upcoming service plans from June where 3 services will be held. He recall on how the plans came up .
Htp. Lalboi announced the upcoming plans of the Youth i.e the registration for Tuailai Camp 2024 and inter church fellowship which will be held on 15 June with all the Youth Committee members of the 19 PPFD Churches.
The congregation united in singing a final song ' Innkuan hongzem in' and benediction by Upa. T Songzalian