BYF Melthak Vaidawnna | August 27, 2023 @ 02:00 PM
The worship service began with Scripture reading of Psalms 19:7-10 and prayer by sister Manliankim. Led by the worship team, an uplifting praise and worship session followed. Ordained elder Ngulminthang dedicated the offerings to the Lord.
Pastor Suankhanhau welcomed the first timers and visitors to the church service. He then reminded everyone about the worship service programme for Wednesday, 7.30 PM at Munirka to welcome the participants of the Papi la Bible camp and the Baptismal service scheduled for 2 September.
A special number was presented by sister Chinghoih. Welcoming the freshers, BYF Chairman said that it was a great blessing to have around 250 freshers this year though all of them could not attend the programme. After the BYF Committee presented a small gift to the freshers, Pastor Lamkhanthang read out Joshua 3:3-4 and spoke words of encouragement. He then invoked the blessings of the Lord for their stay in Delhi.
Special numbers from the BYF and sister Nancy Niangmuankim followed.
The Speaker for the programme, Evangelist Damkhothang spoke on the theme ‘fragrance of Christ’ based on 2 Corinthians 2:13-17 and Phillipians 2:12-16. He said that Paul stayed for 18 month in the city of Corinth which was steeped in sin and sexual immorality. There were 2000 temple prostitutes in the city. The goddess of lust and the goddess of fertility were revered. Yet, though Paul lived and worked in this city for almost two years, he could still say that he is the fragrance of Christ. Though he was reviled, he praised God and said that he has victory in Christ because Christ living in him enabled him to stay firm in his faith and continue his work for God. Speaker then said that like Paul, the youths in Delhi can also be the fragrance of Christ. Where we live or stay does not matter. What matters is having Jesus in our hearts.
Explaining why Paul used ‘fragrance of Christ’, Speaker said that he enjoys doing the work of God and deemed his discipleship as a fragrance. A fragrance is not something that can be passed on. It is felt by the person using it. Only those who experienced salvation can become the fragrance of Christ. Just as a person who has put on a fragrance is known by the people around due to the sweet smell, those who have Christ will definitely be known by others, whether it is at the workplace or at their educational institutions. This is the reason why Jesus puts us in the place we are in right now. It is His will for the youths staying in Delhi to have Jesus in their hearts and live for him so that the fragrance of Christ will be discerned by everyone around. Lastly, Speaker encouraged the youths gathered in the service to make a decision to be the fragrance of Christ and spread it around by being His witness throughout their life on this earth.
Special number from sister Chingngaihlian and an item from BYF Lametna Group followed.
Led by the worship team, the last hymn was sung. Thereafter, ordained elder Zabiak closed the worship service with a thanksgiving prayer and benediction.