Sunday Worship Service | 26 February 2023 | 11:00 AM
The leader of worship team read a Bible verses taken from the book of Genesis 22 : 13 & 14,
and prayer by him which was followed by sing and praise to the lord. Anointed elder
Chinsum dedicated the offerings to the lord.
Pastor Dr Suankhanhau Gualnam gave a short introduction about Pastor RB Sharma and his
friend Ravyan rana who were from Nepal. The lesson for today includes lesson 2 (2
Corinthians 1:1-11) and 3 (2 Corinthians 1:12-24).The topic were of “Greetings and giving
thanks” and “Reason for the change in Paul’s travel”. The central thought of chapter 1-
people who got God’s comfort must pass on that same comfort unto other people- Our
preacher divided the lesson in three section.
Section 1(1-7) this section talks about a very important greetings by Paul to the church of
Corinth and all the people from Akhaiah. Here the term ‘servant’ is a very respectable
person that holds an important office of Jesus. we misinterpret the meaning in modern days.
In the words of Paul he was sent by the will of God, sent with a commission. Paul and
Timothy were father and son in the spirit, inseparable and working hand in hand at Ephesus.
Question arise ‘who is the owner of the church’? it is easy to think as our possession when a
person is the founder or torch bearer of the church building that led to confusion and
problem. We are just the member and God is the owner of the real church. From verse 3 we
see the importance of giving praise to God,(verse 4)because he has comfort us in everything
so that we can comfort those in any trouble that we ourself receive said Paul. Likewise if we
say that I can’t talk about redemption to other people we might haven’t been
rescued/delivered because we can’t give what we don’t have.(verse 5) this verse can be
related with pslam 23:5 because blessing from God is not only in our good times but also in
all trouble. Capitalizing our troubles might have blocked us from witnessing God’s grace.
Verse 6 wanted to talk about how other people must benefit from the life of a believer, it is
our duty to fulfil this command like Paul had said in this verse. Paul said that his hope is firm
when he knows that the Corinthians share in their sufferings, and share in their
comfort(verse 7).
Section 2(8-11)- The believers must be aware of the affliction and suffering of the life of
other people- In verse 8 we can see where the apostle have suffered particularly in Asia
region. Our preacher said that it is unsuitable to have no concern about the struggle of our
breather especially belong in the same church, this is the reason why Paul had reminded
their affliction to the Corinthians. It is so difficult that they were utterly burdened beyond
their strength and despaired of life itself but in verse 9 we can see a ray of hope from the
word of Paul ‘but that was to make us rely not on ourselves but on God who raises the
dead’. What difficulties are you facing right now dear breather? Said our speaker, he
suggested that we may face impenetrable difficulties but ‘Jehovah-nissi’ the lord, saviour
from every trouble must have allowed so that our faith is firm in him. Verse 10 taught us to
have a strong hope and faith in God and verse 11 talk about the importance of prayer so
that someone somewhere will give thanks on our behalf for the blessing granted us through
the prayer of many like Paul had said. Such is the reason why in our troubles, other people
may call God and through that call many will give praise and glory to God irrespective of the
differences of our difficulties and troubles.
Section 3(12-23)-God can change our plans- in this section Apostle Paul talk about how he
wanted to visit the church in Corinthians to and fro while travelling to Macedonia and back
again to Judea, perhaps his plan and preparation was changed that resulted to criticize him
severely by many and his answer to this was given in verse 12-14, he proved himself by
saying that ‘you might have a second experience of grace’ in verse 15 & 16. God act when
there is a change of plan made by men (verse 17 – 20). Verse 17 can be interpreted as Paul
was not like people who don’t really meant what they say rather his yes is yes and no is no,
he wanted them to trust in what he say. Verse 21 &22 teaches us to follow the spirit of God
that is within us. It also gave us the reason why Paul cancelled his visit, because they can’t
ignore the spirit of God who establish them in Christ, anointed them, put a seal and give the
spirit in their hearts as a guarantee. Verse 23 & 24 – when God change the plan of men it is
for the betterment and benefit for men himself- Two thing can be extracted from these
verses, First it is good for him (Paul) and secondly good for the church that he didn’t visit
Corinthians. The speaker suggested that what if Paul visited them? It might resulted in
damaging of their relationship and there might be division within the church because Paul’s
aim of visiting Corinthians was to rebuke them in certain things. This is the reason why it is
good for us when our plan was is changed by God, it is a change for the better.
Without wasting anytime Pastor T Lamkhanthang occupied the stage and gave a brief
account on the importance of employment here in Delhi. At the same time he called those
participant who are going to appear CGL tier 2 in the near future and read a Bible verse from
proverbs 16 : 1, he reminded us the importance of prayer in whatever we do and started
praying for the examinees.
Moving onto the next item Ordained elder T Roumuan take up a reception for those shifting
here in Delhi, they were approximately 23 in number. Pastor Suankhanhau Gualnam had a
prayer for them and handed out the church brochure to them.
Last song for the day was leaded by the worship team which was followed by closing prayer
by Ordained Elder Khamkhanpau Guite.