Wednesday Worship Service | 11 January, 2023 | 7:30 PM
1. The Service began with Praise and Worship led by JH Ginmung &
Neihkim - Hun Tui Bang Mual kumzel
2. Blessing of Offerings by Elder Khamgoupau
3. Mass prayer was led by Nu Ningngaihlian
4. Special Number was sung by the following members:
Delhi Cantt Prayer Cell, Rk Puram Prayer Cell 2, Thangkhanhau
5. PNL 91 was sung by the Worship Team
6. Sharing was delivered by Pastor Khankham on “SEEKING GRATITUDE
from GOD”.
Pastor reminiscent his calling from the Lord when he started out his
journey. He mentioned the challenges and how his friend often asked
them to leave for Government Job. But he put his faith on the Lord and
his conviction that reward will be in Heaven still stays strong. Working
for the Lord is not always a smooth life, even the blessings from the
church members can sometimes tempt believers to disgrace people. It is
always a life of reflection and introspection.
He made the point that as we prepared and cleaned ourselves for
attending church service and other functions, we need to cleaned
ourselves of our sins – Jealousy, hatred, bitterness etc as we enter a new
year. We should really give a thought about how we want to spend the
year ahead of us.
Even when Abram was called by God, he was asked to leave his father,
his family, his land and his community. It is all because of his calling for
Kannan by God. Even after he spend time with Lot, they had to separate
again and leave each other. It is clear that Abram had to separate from Lot
so that he can be closer to God. We need to realise what are those things
in our life that prevents us from being closer to God. Are we able to let go
of these things/habits?
Abraham is called the father of faith as he obeyed God to the point where
he is willing to sacrifice his son. Let us all be prepared to face challenges
and leave our comfort zone if it means obeying God and living for the
extension of his Kingdom.
Let’s cleanse ourselves once again of the sins if we have carried forward
in to this new year.