Nilaini Biakna Kikhop | 24 August 2022 | 8:00 PM
•The service began with reading bible verse Genesis:27 from worship team leader and followed praise
and worship singing the following
1.Aw vanglian pen halleluijah
2.Non itna
3.Jesu khrist in puan hon silh sak
4.Len in pathian khut len in
5.Hon gal thuam aw immanuel
•Offerings prayer: Elder Chinsum
•Mass prayer conducted by:Sister mawi Ngaihte,RK Puram
•Special Nos:Vasant prayer cell-2,BYF Dwarka Areus
•Testimony sharing by Thangkhanlun samte
Brother lun firstly gave gratitude towards EBCC Delhi for giving him an opportunity to let him share his
testimony to the church members.
And then, he read out Acts 1:4.
He introduced himself, and said that his name is Thangkhanlun samte, son of Nengzapau samte and
Niangzavung. They are of four siblings, two boys and two girls.
During 1990, they went and lived in Dimapur, which is also now their current place. He came to delhi in
2015, and before that, he worked in Nagaland as a NAP( Nagaland Arm Police). He got the job after
marrying his wife, and they currently have one son. During his service in the police, there was a high
level of intoxicants ( alcohol) among the policemen, and he was also a part of them. He got into
alcoholism and also went through the end of it.
But, because of God's grace, he came to delhi in 2015 because of his posting. And during that year, on
the month of October, ZBC had organised a gospel camp at mount Carmel and gained salvation there.
After accepting Christ as his savior, the Holy Spirit worked inside him by letting him see the wonders of
the Holy Spirit , how Jesus Christ has washed away his sins and how Jesus loved him.
He also added that God let him realised that the work of a priest can also be done inside our home. He
started praying for his family, and also prayed for those people who are in need of a prayer. He ended
his testimony by concluding that there were times when he is weak spiritually, but he keep reading the
Bible and spent time with God as much as he can.
• Sharing by Pastor G Khankham
For the topic, pastor said about obeying God, and that there are tough times, but let's not be worried for
God is always with us.
He then read out 2 King 5:1-2.
He said that there are lessons to learn from the story of Naaman. The positions that Naaman had been
in are:
1. Commander of the armies of the King of Syria
2. God used Naaman to protect Israel
3. The people looked upto him and respected him secretly
4. Naaman is a very strong man
But, Naaman had leprosy.
We all might be a very clever one or have many talents and God use us, but if we don't have salvation
and accept Christ as our savior, we will be like the strong Naaman infected with leprosy.
Naaman's wife had a maid, and she knew the cure to his disease, and prescribed medicines. Pastor
added that you might feel low and your situation is bad, but you must know that God can use you like
the maid that knows the cure to the disease.
Pastor continued, Naaman also wanted to be healed and he went to Samaria, and was asked to go and
washed his skin into Jordan River 7 times and he was frustrated and angry.
We will not find God if we seek him with such pride.
Naaman's escorts also said to him to go and wash himself in Jordan River, and he went to the river and
did it as he was told. He was then healed, and the key to success is obedience.
Pastor ended his sharing by saying that we should all seek God who can heal us
•Cosing song:khrist sisan pha
•Closing prayer:Elder H Zabiak.