Sunday Worship Service | 22 May 2022 | 2:00PM
- Praise and worship - Worship team.
To begin the session the leader of the W.T read the scripture, followed by mass praise and worship, in between the third and fourth song self-surrendering to the lord was conducted and offerings were collected by the ushers on the fifth song. Songs that are being sung by the congregation are, two of them is ‘In the hollow of his hand’ and ‘He hideth my soul’. The other three being local dialect songs.
- Offertory prayer – Upa Khamkhanpau Guite
- Welcome speech and introduction of the day speaker is taken up by Pastor G Khankham
- Sermon – Pastor E Chinzamang [Local Pastor EBCC Central Delhi]
- Last song for the day
- Closing prayer – Upa Chinsum
# A Short brief of the sermon.
To begin his speech, he greeted all the people coming together in the name of the lord, he praised them all for their will to go to the church in such a scourging weather irrespective of the distance between from their home to the church. He introduced his family to the people and make himself clearer by letting us know about his family back ground like his parents and siblings. Of all 12 siblings (6 boys and 6 girls) two of them already left this world. Among the 10, including him 2 of his brothers altered to serve God. He shared his early life, about his contribution for the church of God and what drive him into serving the lord. He shared his testimony and got salvation on 20th April 1986 he said, after that he was so much into the gospel that he decided to continue his studies at Grace bible college in Lamka, further in south India and south Korea. He got his pastor ordination in the year 1999.
After all his introductory speech, he started to dive deeper into his sermon by saying that ‘tis not the time for sleeping’, For sure God is coming for the 2nd time and what are we doing in this time? Once again, he invited the mass to work in the mission of God. He read out two different bible verse that his sermon is based on, Proverb 24:11&12, John 20:21. If you look into the church vision statement, mission statement and core value it says that giving glory to God and bringing the non-belivers onto the feet of Jesus is the basic mission of the church (here when we say church, it is pointing towards self-individual as a whole rather than the physical structure that we can see). It is said that in India 26,26729 dies in a day and 7 people dies out of 1000 people, 1116 died in an hour, 19 in a minute. Such is the fact that we should be happy that we are given the privilege to serve in the mission of God. So, what do you think of it? Do we keep it for the pastor? for the missionaries? Judas 13 remind us that this work is to be done in a hurried manner. Perhaps we are chosen through gospel to do this work.
We might ask ourself what does God want the church to do? God wanted to use us irrespective of our intellectual capacity, in Johan we can see that Jesus appeared to his disciples at once while they are hiding in fear of the Judas. Likewise God send Jesus, Jesus also commanded his disciples to spread the word of God all over the world, so we all are included and this mission is put onto our shoulder. This command is in-fact coated with trust.