Sunday Worship Service | Pastor Thuamminlian Guite | 10 January 2021

10 January, 2021

The service was opened with a prayer and Scripture reading from
Passage: Psalms 34: 1-10

Followed by songs led by worship team

  1. Jesu kiang ah ka bit ding…
  2. Jesu neih hinna nuam..
  3. Toupa aw kon ngen hi na khut in hon len in
  4. Lamet dang bangmah ka nei lou Jesu sisan leh hinna lou

# Offertory prayer for offerings and tithes was done by Elder Songzalian

Sermon by Pastor Thuamminlian
Theme: Forgiveness (Reconciliation)
Colossians 1:12-20

  1. The introductory prayer by Apostle Paul is an important point- “We continually ask God to fill you with the knowledge of his will through all the wisdom and understanding that the Spirit gives.” At this age, we truly need The Holy Spirit to give us discernment and fill us with His wisdom to understand His forgiveness and reconciliation.
  2. God the Father has qualified us through Jesus alone, pulling us out from the dominion of darkness into the Kingdom of his son by redeeming us and forgiving us while we were still sinners. Only in Jesus and no one else, have we redemption, the forgiveness of our sins.
  3. Although supreme and powerful, Jesus humbled so that through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making peace through his blood, shed on the cross. Only in humility and humbleness can one obtain forgiveness, looking up to Jesus as the sole example.
  4. The cost of forgiveness is high. Jesus paid the price with his blood on the cross to reconcile us to God, so that you and I can be presented as holy in God’s sight, without blemish and free from accusation.
  5. So what keeps us from forgiving others even after learning God’s forgiveness and His manifestation of Love through his son Jesus? Isn’t it pride/Ego that blocks us from forgiving others? If its pride, let’s look to Jesus - just as in Christ Jesus, God forgives us- let us shed our pride, be humble and lower our judgemental standards to be forgiving. May God grant us the humility and discernment to be forgiving and thrive to live in peace and harmony with others through forgiveness and reconciliation.

The service was blessed with a benediction from Elder Thianzakham 

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Evangelical Baptist Convention Church Delhi
Plot No 16, Pocket 6, Dwarka Sector 1A
New Delhi - 110 045
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