Sunday Worship Service | Pastor Thuamminlian Guite | August 23, 2020 (Online Sermon)
Spending Time At The Feet Of Jesus
Scripture Reference: Luke 10: 38-42, John 11 &12
The life of Mary, the sister of Martha and Lazarus of Bethany is characterised by how she spent time at the feet of Jesus. In Luke 10:38-42, Martha was busy serving while Mary sat at Jesus feet and heard His word. Jesus was pleased with Mary because her priority was to listen to Him. Perhaps like Martha, we are so busy serving God in whatever capacity we can that we forgot to listen to His words? Let us be reminded that while He was on earth, Jesus called his disciples to be with Him and to listen to his instructions and teachings.
In John 11, Mary turned to Jesus even during her time of great distress. When her beloved brother died, Jesus had not come yet. Lazarus was in the tomb four days when Jesus came. She went to Him, fell down at His feet and wept saying that her brother would not have died if He had been there. Like Mary, do we turn to Jesus when we are dealing with sorrows and hardships in life? Do we fall down at His feet like Mary did? Or do we bow down before men?
Mary was again at the feet of Jesus six days before the Passover while Martha was serving supper. This time she anointed the feet of Jesus with a very costly oil of spikenard, worth a man’s whole year salary and wiped His feet with her hair (John 12). She gave everything she possessed to Jesus; even laying down her glory at His feet (The apostle Paul describes woman’s hair as her crowning glory). Mary took on the role of the lowliest servant for in the Jewish customs, the lowliest servant in the house was given the task of washing the feet of visitors. Mary also did an important thing for Jesus as oil is anointed on the head of a person and not on the feet, unless the person is dead. Jesus was pleased with her and said that she had anointed him for the day of his burial.
Let us take time to reflect on how we live our life. Are we too busy to sit at the feet of Jesus and listen to His words? Whom do we turn to in times of troubles? We are living in troubled times today. We hear of bad news, deaths, calamities and pestilence. It’s time to come to the feet of Jesus. Let us please the Lord with our lives by sitting at His feet and listening to His words.