Palm Sunday Worship Service | April 05, 2020 (Online Sermon)
The Lord Needs Them
Pastor G. Khankham
Amongst the many topics that we’d like to discuss this Palm Sunday, I’d like to speak on this topic, “The Lord Needs Them.” Matthew 21:1-11
This year’s Palm Sunday is not like any other past Palm Sundays and we don’t know how we will be next year. However, while nothing is in our hands, we’re very glad that we get a chance today in the name of the Lord.
Let’s put it this way.. This Palm Sunday, why do we celebrate? We believe that there is one very importance. Reason being, it is written in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. While it may not exactly be the same the way it is written, it is written by all of them. This implies that this is very importance. So, while we observe this Palm Sunday, it is worthwhile to remember that the Lord needs it.
Secondly, it is the culmination of the prophecy in the Old Testament. The story of Jesus is there in the Old Testament, 700 years before his birth. His birth, name etc were prophesied. Accordingly, he was born and today, riding on a donkey, he entered Jerusalem. This is written in Zecariah 9:9. Also, His death, resurrection after 3 days and second coming for the holy ones. All these are events yet to happen, but whatever is written about the Lord Jesus Christ, that has happened and will happen, is of no doubt and we are glad for this. This implies the importance of both the Old and New Testament.
From where does our Lord Jesus Christ came to enter Jerusalem? Matthew 20:9-34. From Jericho and followed by many people, not only the disciples. We also see that He healed 2 blinds on his way. We’d like to discuss all the places that are on the way. Bethphage, Bethany, these are not far from Jerusalem. These are not cities but small villages with tiny population. Our Lord Jesus Christ visited small villages with small population. He doesn’t decide on a small or big city.
He asked for a donkey and not for the permission of the owners. So, this makes us question Jesus’ relationship with the owner. But what is important here is that when they said, “The Lord needs them”, the owners gave it without hesitating.
Why did Jesus chose a donkey? In olden times, kings used the best horses. Jesus chose a donkey because horses are used in battles and donkeys in peace agreement. So, He chose a donkey as prophesied by Zacariah. Zacariah 9:9
Also, when He is about to reach Jerusalem, he watched the city. He knows their condition, how they started and their future and pity them, as the city will turn to ashes. Luke 13:34-35, Luke 19:41-44. Likewise, we need to introspect how many times would Jesus pity and wept for us.
Next would be that many people welcomed Jesus with branches from the trees. The people Jerusalem knew that He would be coming. John 12:13-13. Many are those who are for the Passover. When he entered, many also asked who He is. They said He is Jesus, prophet from Nazareth of Galilee. Nazareth is a place people looked down upon and where good never comes out. Many were surprised how a person from such place could be welcomed with such pomp and joy. So, brothers and sisters, while the place you live may be lowly, your family may not be in good shape, today, based on that very place, the Lord wants to mould you. So, do not despair.
Next is the sanctification of the temple in Jerusalem. While many of the priests were afraid, Jesus walked on to the temple. Matthew 21:12-17, Mark 11:15-19, Luke 19:25-28, John 2:13-24. Jesus saw people indulging in commercial activities. What if Jesus is to come to our church today? What do we expect Him to see? He drove out all. All these were there so that any sacrificial items are easily available. So, this is not for lover, but for profit. But Jesus wants to cleanse the courts of the temple, that would be on His last days. Therefore, if the Lord is to come to your physical temple, what all will you need to discard?
Coming back to our topic today, using a donkey signifies humility and king of peace. Isaiah 9:6. Also, the young and healthy donkey signifies what type of people God chooses. Joseph, Moses, Joshua, Jeremiah, Daniel etc. Today, to all the youth, I believe God would very much like to mould you and be the vessel. Don’t make excuses, simply submit your whole self and He will guide you.
I’m also surprised that the owner of the donkey didn’t hesitate to give. This is called divine ownership. What we call ours’ is all God’s. Because of the One who’s riding the donkey, it is loved and cared. Parent, if God wants your child, be ready to give. If God wants your wealth and possession, be ready to offer.
Sermon Audio Sermon Video Photo Gallery DEW | April 05, 2020