Sunday Worship Service | Oct 06, 2019 | 11 AM
Sunday School Lessons 16 & 17 (Acts 22:1- 23:11)
~ Pastor H. Biakson
LESSON 16 (Acts 22:1-21): Paul's Defense Before the People of Jerusalem
A. Paul's Upbringing and Background
Paul addressed the mob in Hebrew which garnered their attention and called them as "brethren and fathers". He laid the common ground between them and him, that he was a Jew, born in Tarsus. That he too was zealous towards God and persecuted Christian men and women into jail and to death. He was even headed towards Damascus to carry on with his campaign.
B. Transformation of Paul On The way To Damascus
Paul then explained the heavenly light that shone on him and from the light, he heard a voice. When he asked to know who it was, the voice said "I am Jesus of Nazareth whom you are persecuting". And when he seeked to know what he should do, the Lord showed him the way to Damascus. He had partially lost his sight due to the glory of the light of the Lord and had to be led to Damascus by the men who were with him.
C. Paul And Ananias
Ananias was a devout man who received Paul and helped him regain his sight. He said, "The God of our fathers has chosen you that you should know His will, and see the Just One, and hear the voice of His mouth. For you will be His witness to all men of what you have seen and heard". [ verse 14] He then baptized Saul calling on the name of God.
D. Paul's Vision In The Lord's Temple
Paul had a Vision of Jesus while in a trance where Jesus tells him to leave Jerusalem quickly and go to the Gentiles.
LESSON 17 (Acts 22:22 - 23:11): Paul Defends His Stand Before The Sanhedrin
A. Paul Reveals His Roman Citizenship
Paul had the mob's attention until he uttered the word "Gentiles" which offended them and it led to a violent riot. Seeing the riot, the Commander ordered that Paul be bound with thongs and beaten with a scourge. He revealed that he was born a Roman and stated that it is unlawful to tie up and punish a citizen without proper process. This scared the Commander.
B. Paul Stands Before The Sanhedrin (The Jewish Council)
Upon learning of Paul being a Roman citizen, the Commander made arrangements for a hearing for his case before the Sanhedrin. There, Paul put his point by telling how he lived in all good conscience until this day. Ananias, the high priest, commanded those who stood by him to strike on the mouth. Paul reciprocated by saying " God will strike you" which he instantly regretted on being told that it was the highest priest to gave the order as it was "wrong to speak evil of the ruler of your people".
The council had both Sadducees, who say there is no resurrection, angel or spirit; and the Pharisees, who confess both. They split up once Paul cried out he was a Pharisee and that he was being judged for talking about resurrection, angel and spirit. Paul ultimately had the support of the Pharisees. The commander, fearing that the dissension might end badly for Paul, had him taken away from among them into the barracks.
C. The Lord Appears to Paul
The Lord God appeared and stood by Paul to assure him that he was on the right path and that he must cheer up for he still had to finish the Lord's work in Rome as he did in Jerusalem.
• The Lord is always with us if we walk on his path. Just like he stood beside Paul.
• We need to listen carefully to God's calling. When he does call, ask who he is. Seek the purpose only if you're prepared to walk the path. We are the servants of God and shall always remain prepared to serve him.
• Your background doesn't define your future if you set your heart right. Paul persecuted and killed the Lord's people but he went on to become the vessel of God.