Sunday Worship Service | Sept 15, 2019 | 11 AM

17 September, 2019


Rev. Paukhanmang Guite on "History of Bible Printing, History of Bible Society/Bible Sunday And Its Objectives"

John 3:16 – The reason that God gave us this scripture is so that from the scripture, we understand that the Son is our savior and that we accept and have eternal life.

John 14:6 – The redemption, way to God and eternal life is only through Jesus Christ. While there are many teachings and religion preaching the way to god, we need to know from this scripture that it is only through Jesus and accept him as our Savior. This is the reason God gave us the Bible.

John 20:31 – Bible is the word and voice of God. From Genesis to Revelation, what is written is that there is only one living God (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) and that he gave his only Son to die for us on the Cross, so that we can be  saved and have an eternal life and be accepted by God. This is the reason we need to accept and believe that Jesus Christ is our savior and to have this faith, God gave us the Bible.

In AD 331, Roman Emperor Constantine I commissioned Eusebius, Bishop of Caesarea to prepare 50 copies each of the Old and New Testament.

In AD 797, another Roman Emperor Charlemagne invicted Alcuin to edit the Bible in Vulgate text (Latin). So this became the first printing of Latin Bible in Europe. In the 15th century, this Bible in Vulgate text was reprinted 124 times. During the same period, the Bible was printed in Italian 10 times. Also, Bible was printed in German around 18 times.

For the printing and distribution of the Bible, a society was founded in New England in 1647 with the approval of British parliament.

Society for Promoting of Christian Knowledge was founded in 1698 and King James version was printed and translated into many languages.

In 18th century, Bible was printed in Arabic, Tamil and Telegu. In 1710, Bibles were printed in bulk and sold at the lowest possible price.

In order to print and sell Bible at low price, Canstein Bible Institute, Prussia was founded with the approval of Count of Canstein.

Between AD 331 and till the 18th century, many Bibles were printed in many languages by these Bible societies, before being for formally organized as a Bible Society.

To address soldiers and fishermen (people who didn’t get time to attend service) in Europe, the first Bible Society was founded in 1779. In 1792, French Bible Society was founded but due to the Napoleonic revolution and other revolutions, this became defunct.

The Modern Bible Movement was started in 1804 by the British and Foreign Bible Society. When this society intended to print the apocryphal Bible, dissidents started the Trinitarian Bible Society in 1831 and BSI is also linked to this Society till date.

Bible Society of India was founded in 1814 in Calcutta. As of now, 65 languages (mega people group) have the complete Bible, 70 languages have the New Testament and 48 languages have the Gospels in India. There are 16 Bible Auxiliaries in India. BSI is headquartered in Bangalore since 1950.

As per record till 2017, 674 languages of the world have the complete Bible, 1521 languages in New Testament, 1121 languages in Gospels and 3312 languages with only one Gospel. There are more than 6000 languages as per mega people group.

Firstly, we, the EBC, are very privileged to have the New Testament and Psalms around 1951 and was reprinted once. We have the complete Bible in 1971 (BSI), was revised and reprinted around 8 times. Revision for the same is also underway and we are also hopeful to have a Study Bible soon.

Secondly, we already have the Bible (BI) and revision is in progress and expected to be reprinted in a couple of years.

Thirdly, we have a Parallel Bible in New Testament and translation of the Old Testament is underway.

Considering not being even in the mega people group, we are very fortunate to have the Bible in our own language and we also understand that there is a reason for this. We are trusted by God to pray and donate for the spread and distribution of the Bible.

Bible Sunday was started by American Bible Society in 1915. The objectives are as below:

  1. So that Bible occupies the life of every believer, to speak about the importance of the Bible on this day. Does the Bible really have a place in you and your life?
  2. Free distribution of the Bible and be witness of the Gospel. Are we a witness to our faith amongst the unbelievers?
  3. To organize Bible camps and other activities to strengthen our faith and reach out to more people.
  4. To challenge individually to devote time for the Bible and for family devotional time and read it as a family. Are you ready to start if haven’t done this?
  5. Contribute in prayer and donation so that more can reach those who haven’t had the Bible. How many of us donated in the available avenues, considering our population and earnings?

On a closing note, being in a city of unbelievers, we have the opportunities to be a witness and also contribute towards the work for print and distribution of the Bible.

Sharing: Nu Hauthianniang

I give thanks to the Lord for giving me this opportunity. I came to Delhi in 2017 and resolved to cover the Bible once in a lifetime. Reading it in the morning and severing, I realized that it is indeed very valuable. I never thought that it was necessary but now have read twice over.

Acts 10:30, Acts 11:7

We must stop our bickering and also cease the division amongst us. Until and unless we read the Bible, we will not know the words of God. Lastly, we have also resolved a family devotional time form this year.

Sharing: Pa Robert Suanlian

I am happy and thankful to the Lord and the committee members for this opportunity.

2 Timothy 3:16

I have involved myself in the congregation since childhood but never realized the value of the Holy Bible. However, since the preaching by Evan. Damkhothang in February, 2017, I have realized this and have since never kept my Bible idle. When we read the Bible, it’s not easy to understand in just one reading. The Bible is written by 40 authors within a span of 1600 years. Because of this, whenever we read the Bible, there is something miraculous and interesting. I have made a resolution that I will follow only one master and also be a man of only one book.

I give my best time for the Bible in the early morning hours and here are the three steps I follow in understanding the Bible:

  1. Observation
  2. Interpretation
  3. Application

I wish to leave a legacy for my children that their father is one who read and live the Bible.

Sharing: Nu Khamkhochiin

While I am the least educated, I thank Lord for this opportunity. I wonder why the Holy Bible is Holy. When we read the Bible, it cleanses us and makes our life Holy. If we don’t give time, we never have time for the Bible. It should be on our to do list for the same.

When we read the Bible, it’s for us and not others. So, when you read the Bible, does it result in the holiness of your life? I too am into tobacco since childhood. When I start reading the Bible, it makes me realize the need to quit but it was difficult. However, when I read a verse in the Bible which talks about how we all are slaves to something, it makes me realize and decided to permanently quit with the help of God.

In the discipleship of Jesus, are we cleansing ourselves to be acceptable by Him? I, too, know the path is not easy, but I trust in Him.

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