Sunday Worship Service | April 21, 2019 | 11 AM

21 April, 2019


Scripture references: John 11:38; Luke 24:44-48

The resurrection of Jesus is the cornerstone of Christian faith. If Christ had indeed died and not risen again, how exceptional would our faith be from those that believe in god otherwise? Jesus' death and resurrection has made all the difference, saving us from the judgement of our old sin and self, assuring us of life after death.

A. The Lord has risen indeed:     The Lord has risen indeed! This is the fulfilment of the many prophecies that are seen in the books of the Old Testament (the Law of Moses, the Prophets and the Psalms)[Isaiah 53:9-12; Isaiah 25:8; Zechariah 12:10; Psalm 16:9-10; Psalm 22:1-31; Job 19:25]. It is in these books that the birth of Jesus Christ, the Saviour of the Israelites, wasprophesied, over 600 years before Christ came to be born. It is in these same books that the life of Christ was foretold and which indeed came to pass – his sufferings at the hands of man, his death at the Cross, his rise from the dead, and the power of salvation that he brought forth to all that believed! Jesus himself also did tell his disciples that he would rise from the grave on the third day [John 2:19-21].

B. Witnesses of the Resurrection:     A strong evidence of the resurrection is the body-less empty tomb [Luke 24:1-2; Matthew 28:1-6; Mark 16:1-8; John 20:1-17]. While it is claimed that an empty tomb is a weak evidence to prove that Jesus actually rose from the dead, it is important to realise that the tomb was guarded by guardsmen to ensure the disciples could not take Jesus’ body away. This means that the guardsmen themselveswere witnesses of the resurrection, although they would not admit the truth to the public. Another evidence is that the very clothes with which the body was draped were left undisturbed in the tomb.After rising from the dead, Jesus appeared to his disciples [I Corinthians 15:1-11], to Mary of Magdalene, to Cephas (Peter), to Thomas, to his brother James, to a gathering of over 500 people, and to Saul in Damascus.

C. We are the witnesses:     The greatest act of witness by the disciples following the resurrection was their changed and transformed lives [Acts 2:1-42]. Before Jesus’ death at the cross, the disciples were happy in following their leader. They believed in their leader who would preach powerful philosophy and perform mind-blowing miracles. They were sure that they were following the right leader – the promised king who would free them from their Roman captors. But the misery and desperation that they had to face when Jesus was arrested and crucified! Only after the resurrection did they come to understand the teachings of Jesus and what Christ really was. Peter and the others including James the brother of Jesus, and Saul (the apostle Paul) completely turned new leaves and act what they were – witnesses of Christ!

Order of service :: DEW | April 21, 2019
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