Sunday Worship | January 20, 2019 | 11.00 am
DISCOVERING DIVINE GIFT → Rev. Dr. Ginnei Thang Ngaihte
Today’s worship service can be referred to as a continuation of yesterday’s seminar/workshop on faithful discipleship and discovery of divine gifts endowed upon believers. Rev. Dr. Ginnei Thang Ngaihte delivers sermon on ‘Discovering Divine Gift,’ based on scriptural portion from Exodus 4:2, He gives an update about his family and the Ministry he’s working with. He also reports on some noteworthy situations he encountered upon while upholding the Gospel. Many a times his faith was tested but the faithful God never abandons him.
Rev. Ngaihte stresses on the importance of discovering one’s divine gifts which believers are endowed with. Believers are expected to discover these gifts and use them in our lives. It’s our task to discover them and use them for His glory. Many believers can remain unaware of these gifts he is entrusted with. The church ought to take steps to uncover these gifts and puts believers in positions to bear fruits. Bible must always remain as the foundation for the church and its activities.
We are God’s chosen people. We do not accidentally came and settle here in Delhi but it’s all fitted in God’s plan, whether we realize it or not. Our backgrounds fit very well to take part for the expansion of the gospel. We must be devoting to God along with all our talents, gifts and belongings. We must share the word of God everywhere. Spiritually and physically we must be tirelessly working for the Lord. And for this one must not only discover one’s talents but also enhances it. Talents are but the gift of God.
There are sacrifices to make as one answers God’s call. Have you identify your gifts and uses them for His glory? Each moment is precious and must not be let wasted. One can miss opportunities, and by knowing it we must give our best shot. Otherwise we shall regret when we meet the Lord, our creator. By missing the first step, one cannot achieve the desired results. We ought to be Bible reading Christians and try our best for Him. In the pursuit, even if God takes our life for home, we must be ready.
One must also not underestimate the realm of unholy spiritual beings that still strongly grip certain places in the world. They can be dealt with through divine intervention by reading Bible and prayers. No other thing than serving the Lord can give us contentment in our inner self. One can be a servant of God while working in government and non-governmental organizations. Wherever one may be, one’s purpose should be about extending the kingdom of God.
Order of Service :: DEW | January 20, 2018
Pictures :: Photo Galary
Audio :: Sermon