Sunday Worship | January 06, 2019 | 11:00 am

18 January, 2019


I personally feel so privileged to be the first preaching on this heart-touching and interesting topic. To start this, let us get back to our ancestral life. We are a god-fearing tribe even before we received the gospel. We have religious beliefs and are faithful believers, very law-abiding, honouring the priest, always give the highest attention and importance to their words.

In relation to our ancestral spiritual life, comparing the past and present generation, do we really observe and carry on the religiousness, faithfulness of our ancestors in our today’s Christian life? Do we really fear and give the highest importance to worshipping God that we found in the life of our ancestors? They offered whatever was demanded by their priest as they wanted to satisfy their gods.

From the book of Malachi, God told us that the tithe belongs to him, and whosoever does not give is known as robbing or looting God. So, accordingly, true and acceptable worship is sincerely giving tithe to God.

And offering the best we had as we have seen from Genesis 4:3-8, we can learn from Cain and Abel’s offering that there is acceptable and unacceptable offering at the sight of God.

Again, in cities and towns, due to the distance and diverse range of work life, we can have worship service once a week i.e. on Sunday, that is too, hardly two hours to two and a half. So, if we are seriously to offer an acceptable worship, our daily conduct and behavior, outside the church service should conform to the will of God.

Let us keep away anything that can hinder our relationship with God cleansing ourselves every now and then from sins. And let the holy spirit take over our life and shine through us. To conclude, true and acceptable worship is beyond what we do, perform and preach inside the church, it is more of our daily conduct, to love each other and having proper relationship with Jesus.


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Order of Service :: DEW | January 06, 2019
Pics of the Day :: Photo Galary | January 06, 2019 January 06, 2019

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Evangelical Baptist Convention Church Delhi
Plot No 16, Pocket 6, Dwarka Sector 1A
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