Sunday Worship | December 02, 2018 | 11:00 am
Conductor : Mankhanning
Call to worship : Upa H Kam Suanthang
Praise & Worship : Worship Leaders
Oferatory Prayer : Upa Chinsum
Special no : BCD Music Club
Introduction of Graduates : Upa H. Zabiak, SP BCD
Special Prayer for Graduates : Pastor N Tuang Lang
Message : Evan. Upa Lianding Guite
Report & Prize distribution : N Thangkhanhau,Secy. BCD
Closing of BCD Day : Pastor H Biakson
Elder H. Zabiak, Superintendent, BCD introduces the seven new graduates among whom were three girls. All the new graduates gives brief speeches in which they give thanks to God, their parents and their Sunday school teachers in their journey of life to this day. Most of them mention that they will be missing their BCD days in days to come. The new graduates are presented gifts and certificates. The pastor also prays for them, which is followed by a dedication of baby Nungthianminthang Guite S/o Mrs. And Mr. Singbiaklian Guite.
Evangelist elder Lianding Guite then comes to the pulpit and delivers ‘graduation speech.’ At the very outset he gives a short description of the departments under the local church set-up which comprises of the TBUC, BCD, BDF, BYF, TMC and the goal each department shares is about missions. He then continues his graduation speech.
Youthful days are so special in such a way that one’s strength, beauty, fortunes and all good qualities are at its zenith. Children look forward to youths and elderly people recollect time and again how blessed youthful days have been. The fresh graduates should try to make the most of their youthful days. They are now mature and fit for most things. However, this opportunity comes with responsibilities. There are decisions and choices to make on various issues as this part of life is the most important period in one’s life.
One must think about the purpose of man. The purpose of man is not about wealth, wisdom, food and drinks, and worldly success and fame. Rather, it’s about respecting and obeisance of God as seen in Eccl. 12:13. Our land is full of nominal Christians. We should not be like them. We must stay connected to God and the Bible. It’s the right time to come back to God.
We come from God and we are heading towards the day we stand before God’s judgment. Our lives have been extended to this day only because of God’s mercy and His love. Are you ready to meet Jesus with the life you are leading now? We must always turn to the Lord and ask for His guidance on how to live in this world.
As the evangelist concludes his speech, prize distribution follows which sandwiches the report of the Secretary, EBCC BCD. According to the Secretary’s report at present there are 197 children registered under BCD of EBCC Delhi.