Sunday Worship | November 04, 2018 | 11:00 am
Praise and Worship : Worship Team
Offertory Prayer : Elder H. Kam Suanthang
Pastoral Prayer and Sermon : Pastor N. Tuang Lang
Benediction : Elder T. Thianzakham
From the books of Mathew, Psalms, Proverbs, God gave us a clear instruction and guidelines on being faithful in our marital relationship. God is interested in marriage, as it implies the marriage of the Lamb and the saints. So, marriage should be honoured, sanctified, respected and vows must be kept.
Some punishments and destructions God had done to his people due to fornications and adulteries in the Bible were: -
1. Flood in Noah’s time.
2. Fire in Sodom and Gomorrah.
3. Punishment upon the Israelites.
4. Samson’s fate.
5. King David.
On the other hand, God does not only punish or focus on the sinful act of mankind but does reward and acknowledge those faithful and sincere children who remain unmoved and fruitful when confronted with temptation and trial. From the Bible, we can see how God blessed Joseph abundantly and the honour and privilege that Joseph and Mary had received.
Looking deep down about marital status and its related issues – from I Thessalonians 4:3-6; I Peter 4:1-3; Matthew 5:27-28
Here, we can learn that adultery does not confine only in an act, or having an open intimate physical relationship outside marriage but includes our thought processes, our visual and mental acts of sins as well. As a human being in flesh and blood, we all can be included or sin from time to time.
May God help each and everyone of us to be a faithful believer in our own relationship.