Fellowship with EBCC Chandigarh | October 14, 2018 | 11:00 am
Praise and Worship : Worship Team
Offertory Prayer : Upa H. Kamsuanthang
Welcome Address : Secretary, TBSUC
Special Items : EBCC Chandigarh
Message : Upa B Goumang
Benediction : Rev. V Khamvum
Mr. H. Lamsonlian, Local Secretary and also the Chairman of BYF, EBCC Chandigarh gives a report about EBCC Chandigarh and introduces office bearers and departmental heads of EBCC Chandigarh. Election for the local committee members was held on 7th April 2018 and charges were handed over and taken over in the presence of Pastor H. Thangchinkhup, EBCC Central Delhi. According to the church’s census there are nine families and five students which totals up at 45 in all, as registered members. Theme for the year 2018-19 is ‘Be a blessing.’
The church’s year plan consists of the following points: To memorize Gen 12:1-9; to have four sacramental services, to hold church’s activities keeping in touch with others, to conduct leadership training thrice, to visit EBCC Delhi and to hold camps. As on date, they have memorized Gen 12:1-9, held sacramental services twice, had leadership training twice with visiting pastors and twice with the local chairman, visits EBCC Delhi today and are organizing camp next month, November 2018.
Some of the progress they have made comprises about holding mass prayers, division of their members into five groups for fostering better fellowship within the church members, increasing the number of worship for every Sunday, had four meetings in the year 2018 alone. He then introduces heads of divisions which was followed with scriptural recitation.
Short sharing from Mr. Nengkhankhual, Finance Secretary: When he first settled in Chandigarh, there was no church and only ‘Eimi Christian Fellowship’ was there to cater to their spiritual needs. People submitted their tithes to churches located outside Chandigarh. However, EBCC Chandigarh was established on 12th November 2016. Do uphold us in your prayers.
Short sharing from Mr. Chinkhenmung: He resides in Chandigarh since 2008 and in those days there was no church to go to. He used to come to Delhi to worship God and also to court for a suitable partner. Though EBCC Chandigarh was founded on November 2016, they still attend ‘Eimi Christian Fellowship’ as usual.
Short sharing from Mr. V. Thangmuan: Establishment of EBCC Chandigarh is a blessing as it helps in reconnecting with the church headquarter, holding worship services in one’s own mother-tongue, rooting back one’s foundation with the word of God, bringing our people together in the same fold. May the name of the Lord be praised for all these blessing.
Elder B. Goumang then comes to the pulpit and at the very outset; he mentions that their visitation is to thank EBCC Delhi for extending all possible help. Revival in Welsh brought us the gospel of Christ, which later spreads to various places within and outside India, resulting in church planting in many places even to metropolitan cities. Important data about Chandigarh is flashed through projector. They use to have a glimpse of EBCC Delhi church services through internet, especially through the photos posted by ‘Limlak Aw.’ EBCC Chandigarh runs under the guidance of the pastors of EBCC Delhi and Central Delhi.
Elder delivers his sermon on the topic ‘Be a Blessing for others’ based on the scriptural portion from Gen. 12. He based his sermon on the life of Abraham as a role model. We should be overflowing with blessings for others. Abraham’s background and his walk in faith are also illustrated. Abraham was considered as their progenitor by the Muslims, Christians and the Jews alike. God’s promise never fails and never will. Like Abraham, we should trust in the Lord with all our heart.
Abraham needed to leave his home in order to be a blessing for others. Likewise we also need to leave aside our interests and things we consider valuable. Abraham left his home at the age of 75. We too need to see whether there lies anything which we need to left aside. Some characters of Abraham that may be mentioned in brief are about his courage, obedience, daring, never made excuses, broad minded, dare to ask clarification from God, humble and never eager to make choice, peace loving, etc.
He was sure that God called him. Without raising a single question, he set out towards the Promised Land by faith alone. This is the type of faith that the four lepers too had. Israelites were saved because of the courage of the lepers. We might have been stationed in one place for too long. Abraham never departs from the word of the Lord.
The congregants sang one last song ‘Vanglianpen.’ Rev. V. Khamvum, Principal, Grace Bible College prays for EBCC Chandigarh on the request of the Chairman of EBCC Chandigarh.