Sunday Worship | December 03, 2017 | 11.00 am
At the very outset, Elder Ngulminthang, Local Chairman, acknowledged visitors and extended warm welcome. He based his sharing on personal experiences he had during the year. He expressed gratitude about having good pastors to take care of the church, and mentioned the feeling of emptiness as both the pastors were out of station. He went on and asked as to whether we became too dependent on our Pastors without us trying to dig deeper on the word of God ourselves? His sharing was based on noteworthy events this church has experienced during the current year.
I. Jubilee Celebration: Pastor V. Nenglian’s Jubilee message that kept ringing on in his mind were the questions about our priorities as a Christian and whether we become Christian-beggars who kept on begging and always dependent on the church instead of us trying to grow in Christ-likeness which we are expected to be. We ourselves should try to mature in Christ and be starters/leaders of good initiatives instead of just becoming followers who just watch on how things got worked out. We should also try to give more contributions, inputs and share positive thoughts even in this ensuing Christmas celebrations in the name of Christ.
II. Pastor James Chinjemvel’s visit: His powerful message on forgiveness is priceless. We should not let it just pass but put it into practice in our daily lives. The life of Pastor James, who once was hell-bent on taking revenge against his father had been powerfully transformed by Christ and he had been able to embrace his father with the heart of forgiveness and love with tears in his eyes. This is a testament that one can become a new creation in Christ ( 2Kor 5:17). God has a plan for us all (Jer 29:11) and we can start all over again with a transformed life through Jesus Christ. Let’s turn to the Lord. He can revive and rebuild the church once again. Let’s ponder upon the areas where we need rebuilding.
III. City View Church’s visit: The lives and messages of the visiting Pastors touch our hearts. When we felt forsaken and left alone we still have Jesus to turn to for He is always there for us with open arms. How fortunate we are! The visiting pastors continue to live the lives of witnessing Christians. Why do we often grumble and complaint in spite of the abundant blessings we received from God? Let’s count our blessings and be thankful in the Lord (Hab 3:17). Do we realize how God has lifted us up and brought us to this stage? Not everyone is as fortunate as we are. How I wish those messages keeps ringing in our hearts. The poet says, “Our best songs are those that tell about our sufferings!”
IV. BCD Graduation Programme: How heartening it is to hear from the graduating children how grateful they are on their teachers! And how blessed we are to have such graduates! He can’t agree more on the message of Rev B. Chinkhengoupau, Child Coordinator, EBCC, during the occasion of graduation that spiritual maturity and physical maturity differs in such a way that one became more mature in spirit as one became more dependent on Christ. However, in physical maturity one became more independent as one grew more mature. We need to evaluate ourselves whether we judge more on outward appearance when we hold elections in our church activities. Christianity is all about relationship. We need to build healthy relationship with our fellow church goers. Jesus taught us the importance of living in peace with our very brethrens as we came to worship Him. Let’s try to rebuild relationship with others this coming Christmas. We often made relationship with others with the expectations of getting something back in return. But the relationship which Christ wants us to build is not about expecting anything in return but out of love as we see in Philippians Chapter 2.
V. Rev Pumsuanmung’s visit: Relationship should not revolves around only on one’s kit-and-kin, rather it should cross beyond our near and dear ones. We should keep revisiting issues the Reverend’s stressed and focus about building relationship with fellow human beings over and over again.
God still visits us. We are fortunate to have priceless visitors who shared us the love of God and of the need to build relationships. These days messages in our society about righteousness might have been based more on what the law requires than on what the Bible teaches us. We need to rethink on what basis our messages for righteousness and rebuilding are based upon. It’s gladdening to learn that we have many families who regularly pray to God. The locality where our Church stood has became a blessing to many of us. More and more families shifted around our Church on permanent basis. They are expected to take more responsibilities in the upkeep and maintenance of our Church as it’s also a blessing to be able to reside near it.
Child Coordinator rightly wrote in November 2017 issue of ‘Kristian Thukizakna’ that our children learn our Biblical doctrines in their daily lives since their childhood. Our commitments as Christians as seen in IPet 4: 8-11 should be 1). To love one another; 2). Not to grumble; 3). To help one another; 4). Do things with the strength God gives; 5). Do anything that will bring honour to God. We should not over-value ourselves. We should follow the conscience God gives us.
In pursuance of the directive received from the General Secretary, EBCC, Elder then prayed aloud for the differently-able persons while the full congregants silently prayed for them as today being a ‘World Disability Day.’ One does not born as such as a punishment of one’s own sins or of his/her parents’.
~ Sumthanlian Suantak, Content Writer, EBCC Delhi.