Sunday Worship – Dorcas’ Day - Nute’ Ni | May 14, 2017 | Time: 11.00 am
Pastor greeted the congregants in the name of Jesus Christ and welcomed everyone who comes to attend Dorcas’ Day Worship Service. Choir from Baptist Children Department (BCD) and Baptist Dorcas Fellowship (BDF) followed and a special number was presented by Mrs. Grace Siamte. President, BDF delivered Dorcas’ Day message. BCD presented gifts to all Mothers as a token of their love and showed a video clip to express their love for their mothers.
Pastor N. Tuang Lang delivered his sermon on ‘Live in a way that brings honour to the good news about Christ’, based on the Scripture portions from Phil 1:27, Mk 12:30-31, Matt 5:43-47, Jn 13: 34-35 and 1Jn 4:7-8. The sermon basically focused on Dorcas/ Mothers. Here ‘Live’ means the ‘manner or conduct by which we live.’ ‘About Christ’ means ‘all about love.’ Pastor exhorted the congregants to evaluation oneself on what forms our priority and whether issues in our priority conform to the love of Christ. Broadly speaking, there are 4 different types of love: i). Storge (liking someone through the fondness of familiarity), ii). Eros (bond of love between lovers), iii). Phileo (special interest in someone, frequently with focus on close association like friends), and iv). Agape (God’s love). We are expected to possess Agape love so that we can easily forgive others and understand others’ point of views.
If the love we possess is other than that of Agape love, it will be hard to love our own children and husbands. Our love must be rooted in Agape. We should examine ourselves whether we really love ourselves. If we knowingly practice what is detrimental for our own self, it shows that we do not love even ourselves. If such is the case it will be impossible to love others. We must love ourselves, our husbands, our children and all humanity as a whole. First, love yourself then you can love others as well. Love means doing and action. Start practice to love your own children. Jesus Christ commands us to love God in the first place, then human beings. We should not love others only by words but also in deeds.
Love is not our inborn quality. We have to cultivate it. We need to practice a life of love. We can love others by sharing the love of Christ. Once we possess the love of Christ we can begin to love not just ourselves but our in-laws as well.
Pastor then prayed for mothers.
Upa Thangkhosiam Tonsing extends warm invitation to grace thanksgiving and the send-off ceremony of his beloved daughter, Miss Sylvia Tonsing, at Mizoram House, Vasant Vihar, New Delhi to be held on 20th May 2017. It may not be out of place to mention here that Ms. Sylvia Tonsing was once a Content Writer of the Media Team, EBCC Delhi.
Lian Suantak, Content Writer, EBCC Delhi.