Family-Centric Service 9th October 2016
The Pastor read out a word of God from Sam 103 and welcomed the congregation. It was followed by Praise and Worship led by the Worship team and was concluded with an offertory prayer by Deacon Goukhangin.
Pastor Tuang Lang conducted the child dedication ceremony of :
Baby Thuamsanglian s/o Mr. Rualmuanthang and Chingthianpiak
After the dedication ceremony, the Pastor delivered a sermon based on the Piching Sunday School sinlai lesson no.20 - "PIANTUNGA MITTAW HIHDAMNA"(HEALING OF A MAN BORN BLIND)
Memory Verse : John 9:3 "Neither this man nor his parents sinned, said Jesus, but this happened so that the works of God might be displayed in him."
Memory Verse : John 9:39 "Jesus said, for judgement i have come into this world, so that the blind will see and those who see will become blind."
SINLAI 20- As Jesus went along with his disciples, they saw a man who was blind from his birth. so Jesus' disciples asked him whether it was his sin or his parents, to which He answered them by saying, that it was neither the man's sins nor his parents. It happened so that the work of God could be displayed in him. After saying that, He spat on the ground, made some mud with his saliva and put on the man's eyes. He was also told to go and wash his eyes in the pool Siloam (siloam=sent). The man did as he was told and he came back home seeing. When his neighbors saw him they could not believe it was him and so they were divided into two- those who believed him and the others who did not want to believe him.
SINLAI 21- His neighbors took him to the Pharisees. The Pharisees asked him the same question as it happened on the day of Sabbath they could not believe that Jesus could be sent from God. The Pharisees were also divided among themselves. They asked the man the same question again, they saw that the man who was healed was convinced that Jesus was the messiah and that he was sent from God because he could perform such signs. On hearing this answer the Pharisees got angry and hurled insults at him and even threw him out.
1. TO SEE (verse 1): a.The word SAW is used with reference to the Greek word "HORAO"= "to see", "to take heed" etc.
b. Jesus had seen through his Physical and Spiritual being and felt compassionate towards this blind man.
2. RABBI (VERSE 2) : This word can be found 9 times in the Bible. (Matt 23:7,8;John 1:38,49; 6:25; 9:2)
b. A religious leader/teacher who is trained in Jewish laws.
c. In Hebrew "RABH" = "master"which literally means "the great one". In Greek "DIDASKALOS" = "teacher"
d. John the Baptist and Jesus Christ have also been addressed by this name.(John 3:26; 1:49; 6:25)
e. Jesus commanded his disciples not to use this word.(Matt 23:8)
3. DAY AND NIGHT : Daytime is the best time to work as one is active and healthy. Day here also signifies the stage of life called the youth where one is young and full of life. While night signifies the time nearing to death where there is only weakness, sickness and helplessness.
4. SABBATH AND JESUS CHRIST : a. Jesus talks about the Sabbath (Matt 12:1-8)
b. During the old testament times people used to give offerings even on the day of Sabbath. (Numbers 29:9)
c. It has been a custom of the Jews to circumcise every new born baby boy on the eighth day from his birth. Since it was their custom, they had to perform this ceremony even if it fell on the day of the Sabbath.
d. Jesus claims to be the "LORD OF THE SABBATH".(Matt 12:8)
5. DEBARRED : a. There are three kinds of debarment according to the Jewish laws :
1. The person who was debarred was not to stand withing 30 feet of anyone who was within the laws for 30 days.
2. The person was debarred from all the social and church activities and gathering.
3. The person was debarred/ thrown out for a lifetime.
b. The blind man who was healed was also debarred. For how long or which kind, it was not known.
a. The Lord wants to display his works on you through your physical distress, grief and anguish. Like how he showed his work on the man who was blind from birth by healing him.
b. The Lord is always willing to help you with the thirst and loneliness of your heart and soul.
c. the Lord has seen You and feels compassionate towards you too but are you ready to accept him?
d. Faith followed by deed is very important.
a. Physical blessings/ healing is a fruit of obedience and sincerity
b. From physical healing comes Spiritual healing.
c. Those who have received physical as well as spiritual healing have the courage to be diligent witnesses to God's work.
The Worship team led us with praise and worship and the service was concluded with benediction by Deacon Damsawmthang.