Worship Service - April 24, 2016
Senior Pastor conducted induction of the newly arrived in Delhi.
Speaking about fasting and prayer, the Junior Pastor said that it is not necessary that you fast physically. It’s more about prayer than fasting.
That was followed by Pastoral Prayer.
Sunday School Lesson No. 10- Healing of the leper and hatred of the Jews
Memory Verse: "See, you are well again. Stop sinning or something worse may happen to you." St John 5:14
Jesus walked about 20 miles to Cana, met a man whose son was at the point of death. “Go your way. Your son lives”, He said. From there Jesus went alone to Jerusalem wherein at the Pool of Bethesda there was another man who had been crippled for 38 years. He waited for the water to be stirred by the angel, yet never got a chance to jump first and be healed. Jesus cured him.
The incident took place at the gate of the Tabernacle. That happened to be the Sabbath Day.
Jesus asked His Jewish detractors who were constantly plotting against Him, ‘If a sheep of yours fall in a pit, who is not going to pull out even on the Sabbath Day?’ A human being is more important and precious than a lamb. Service to the Lord is never evil even on the Sabbath Day.
As found in the New Testament, Christians stress more on the resurrection than the death of Jesus Christ.
“Do you really want to be cured?” That’s the question thrown at the crippled man. The question is significant due to the fact that the man would have to leave his occupation of living on alms and be all on his own.
The reply was interesting. ‘I have no relative to take me to the water when it is stirred’
Suddenly, Jesus healed him.
In today’s circumstances too God wants to know whether a man really wants to be healed.
With a drooping eye, the pastor was lodged in Room No. 148 on the 6th floor of All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi. He was healed through a minor surgery.
There is healing in Jesus Christ for all who wants it, any time, any minute, any hour.
The pastor related to the congregation the case of a young man who was spiritually healed and brought even his girl friend for counseling.
Troubles in life are not inherent, but brought therein.
Bethsaida is not being stirred always. The man who was healed did not know the one who healed him. But he was told to ‘sin no more’. Then and there he realized it was Jesus who healed him.
If a person is born again and still not loves the Church, there is something wrong. It’s time for retrospection.
Health and sickness are there only to pronounce the glory of God and show the work of God.
Also, as much as Church attendance enamors, Christians ought to be worried about the ones who have not attended the Church.
Humanly it is tempting to preserve a wrong done in the past which causes sickness. A son without discipline is not a son, but an illegitimate son.
One should not go easy with sin, for by doing so a man may fall into worse sickness. Once a person is God’s his/her every acts are recorded. One should be reminded of an ideal Christian purity.
One should be a Christian witness wherever he/she is. The healed remember straightaway the one who healed
With God, all qualities shine!