Sunday Service - April 10, 2016, 11am
Pastor H. Biakson took the stage and read out the Bible, Psalm 103:1-5. He prayed to open the Worship Service. This was followed by singing praise’s songs led by Worship Team. While the praise’s songs were sung, offerings were collected. Deacon Tuanmuanthang dedicated the offerings to the Lord through prayer.
After that, Pastor Biakson took time for commissioning newly elected Baptist Youth Fellowship Committee members and Worship Team for the term 2016-17 through prayer. This was followed by child dedication to God by the Pastor itself.
Pastor Tuang Lang took time for the day’s living message. His message was taken from the Church’s Sunday School lesson – 8, with the topic “Showing of the Samaria’s Witnessing to the Disciples” (John 4:27-42).
1. Samaria and it’s people
Samaria is located between Judea and Galili where Jewish and Gentiles in marriage relationship live together. So,orthodox Jewish considered Samaria as unclean and defiled city.
2. Christ - the meaning.
Christ in English, Khrist in Paite, Christos in Greeks and Messiah in Hebrew. Christ means ‘anointed one’ or ‘chosen one’, the Lord's anointed King/Priest.
1. Jesus’ love is all encompassing
Culturally, it was taboo for a Jewish man to pass through Samaria and speak with Samaritan/Jentiles in public, much less with a Samaritan woman, especially a Samaritan woman who had questionable morals. Yet Jesus passed through Samaria and even talked with the Samaritan woman from Sychar who came to fetch water when the disciples were going to the city to buy foods. Jesus knew well the woman’s life, loved her and asked water to the Samarian woman; yet, He actually referred to the living water which make no one thirst, i.e., He refer to Himself. As this counselling went on, the Samaritan woman’s life changed and she believed in Jesus, knew Jesus as the Messiah, and became the first Christian of Sychar. So, this woman went to the city and informed the people and they asked Him to stay with them, so He stayed there for two days. Many more believed because of His word; and they were saying to the woman, ‘It is no longer because of what you said that we believe, for we have heard for ourselves and know that this One is indeed the Savior of the world.’
Here we should consider Samaria as a barrier between us and our fellow people. What is Samaria to you? Have you gone through Samaria after having Jesus? Jesus cut the barrier of Jewish and Samaritans by passing through Samaria and even causing salvation to the Samaritans. After having Jesus in our life, are we still having those barriers in our life which make gap between us and our fellow human? Jesus expects us to extend further His work and also send us to spread His words under His guidance. Jesus stays to those who asked persistently to stay with them, but keep away from those who disdain Him. (Matt. 8:28-34)
2. Jesus didn’t disfavour anyone.
Jesus talked plainly with the Samaritan woman about her life and caused her to change her life even though she is a Samaritan woman. Here, Jesus taught us to discuss with people in the right time, place and people.
3. As the Lord used Samaria woman to receive spiritual blessings, to change the lives of her city, so also Jesus can use us for His favour, to receive spiritual blessings and to cause salvation to other people through us.
4. Can we really stand to accomplish the work of the One who sent us? How much/many do you have to reap the harvest in your family; your husband/wife, children? Can you really bring along with them in the feet of Jesus in Heaven? We need Lord Jesus now.
5. Working for the Lord is not vain. The one who works for the Lord obtains blessings and also eternal life as the prize. All of us can participate in the works of the Lord, viz., in prayer, in monetary contribution, in physically going out. We should be the one who continue the work of the Lord further.
After the Pastor’s message, the Church Service was closed with a benediction by Deacon Damsomthang.