Christmas Celebration 2015: a write-up
11:00am SERVICE:
Pastor Biakson read out the Bible, Isaiah 9:1-6. After that, the whole congregation read out together Bible, Luke 2:1-20; then, Pastor prayed to open the Christmas programme.
Worship Team led the congregation in praise and worship. While the praise’s songs were going on, Christmas offerings were collected and dedicated to the Lord through prayer by Deacon Khamgoupau.
Chairman, TBSUC (Local Committee) welcomed the congregation, and gave a short speech of “Christmas Message”.
Special Numbers of Praises songs were presented by TBYF (Youth), TBCD (Children), TBDF (Dorkas) and TBMC (Mission).
Pastor Nenglian took time to deliver the message with the topic: “Christmas and Me”. What is all about Christmas? What is Christmas to me?
“For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given………” Isaiah 9:6a.
The Sermon relates to some of the people who first experienced Christmas:-
1. Christmas and the Shepherds, Luke 2:8-20
As the Shepherds spent the night in the wild taming their sheeps, an angel of the Lord appeared and told them the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem. The Shepherds’ responds of the angels’ words were worth notable: they believed the words and prophesy of the angels; they went out to search the baby Jesus leaving behind their sheeps and found the baby Jesus. After meeting the new born Jesus, they returned back happily, praising God.
2. Christmas and the Wise Men, Mathew 2:1-12
The wise men saw the star because of the birth of Lord Jesus. These men saw God in their work, and went out to worship the new born King. So, they saw the new born baby, worship Him and presented treasures. Later, they followed the words of God manifested in their dream and departed into their own country, not listening again the words of king Herod.
3. Christmas and King Herod, Mathew 2:7-18.
King Herod wanted to know the details of the birth of Lord Jesus when the wise men told him. But he was not interested in searching Him out and worshipping Him, as he considered the new born King a thread to him and took step to destroy Him.
4. Christmas and Mary, Luke 1.
Mary was like other human being; by saying to the angel, how a child can be borned without knowing a man! But his peculiarity was that, she kept herself clean, led a pious life for God. When the angel told her that she is going to give birth to Jesus, she humble herself saying, “I am the servant of the Lord, let Thy will be done on me”.
Christmas and Me
What is Christmas for you and me?
Christmas should be:-
i) Peace with God. Do you ever meet Jesus?
ii) A time to praise and exalt God
iii) Re-affirmation of faith in Christ
iv) A time for self-dedication to God.
After this message, Deacon Thianzakham close the worship programme with benediction.
At evening time after the Service, a pleasant and blessed praising time was spent in the Church- “Lengkhawm time”. Christmas feast followed at a later evening.
From 5:30pm, Baptist Youth Fellowship (BYF) took the initiative to lead in singing the praises/Christmas Songs - Lengkhawm! At intervals of the Lengkhawm, special numbers of ‘songs of praise’ were presented by talented Youths. It was an enjoyable and memorable time for those presents in the programme.
At a later night, the programme was closed with a prayer by Deacon Khamkhanpau.
By- P. Chinliankhup
Media Team